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ramiro marra

  1. All the Answers

    Politics “You don't answer because you don't get the gas”, “you take money from the poor”: the strong intersection between Grabois and Marra - Infobae

    “You don't answer because you don't get the gas”, “you take money from the poor”: the strong intersection between Juan Grabois and Ramiro Marra - Infobae Source...
  2. All the Answers

    Politics Javier Milei revives the council of economic advisors and incorporates Ramiro Marra into the Government -Infobae

    Javier Milei revives the council of economic advisors and incorporates Ramiro Marra into the Government - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/08/javier-milei-reflota-el-consejo-de-asesores-economicos-e-incorpora-a-ramiro-marra-al-gobierno/ March 08, 2024 After learning...
  3. snowgirl

    Politics The Government responded to Cristina Kirchner: “Playing with the Argentinians' table is cheating with poverty” - Infobae

    The Government responded to Cristina Kirchner: “Playing with the Argentinians' table is cheating with poverty” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/19/el-gobierno-le-respondio-a-cristina-kirchner-jugar-con-la-mesa-de-los-argentinos-es-hacer-trampa-con-la-pobreza/...