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rents prices

  1. B

    Survey: Rents prices in Buenos Aires up 52% so far this year

    Good that there are actual rentals since the rental laws were changed but prices are on the rise. Average rent prices so far this year have gone up 52%. Average value of a flat is already above 500,000 pesos; Price of one-bedroom flat went up 4.4% in September...
  2. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Rents will rise again in October and there will be a new record: how to calculate how much you will have to pay - Infobae

    Rents will rise again in October and there will be a new record: how to calculate how much you will have to pay - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2023/09/28/otra-vez-subiran-los-alquileres-en-octubre-y-habra-un-nuevo-record-como-calcular-cuanto-vas-a-tener-que-pagar/...