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salary increase

  1. Flamingo

    How much does a retail employee earn in July 2024 in Buenos Aires?

    Great that many retail employees are getting raises. It sounds like that union negotiated 13.5% raises. Today's exchange rate is 1,440 pesos to $1 USD. Salaries are going up but still low. Salaries for retail employees in July 2024 In July, employees in the sector will receive the following...
  2. All the Answers

    Politics Senators will once again receive a salary increase and will earn $8 million per month - Infobae

    Senators will once again receive a salary increase and will earn $8 million per month - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/29/los-senadores-volveran-a-recibir-un-aumento-de-sueldo-y-pasaran-a-cobrar-8-millones-por-mes/ May 29, 2024 In May they received $7 million - a...
  3. All the Answers

    Politics Axel Kicillof announced a 13.5% salary increase in March for Buenos Aires state workers - Infoae

    Axel Kicillof announced a 13.5% salary increase in March for Buenos Aires state workers - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/18/axel-kicillof-anuncio-un-incremento-salarial-del-135-en-marzo-para-los-trabajadores-estatales-bonaerenses/ March 18, 2024 The governor of...
  4. Tessa

    Politics Congressional employees will receive a 28% salary increase: what will happen to the salaries of deputies and senators - Infobae

    Congressional employees will receive a 28% salary increase: what will happen to the salaries of deputies and senators - Infobae Source...
  5. MikeRoss

    Politics By decree, the province of Buenos Aires granted a 25% salary increase in January for state employees - Infobae

    By decree, the province of Buenos Aires granted a 25% salary increase in January for state employees - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/16/por-decreto-la-provincia-de-buenos-aires-otorgo-un-aumento-salarial-del-25-en-enero-para-los-empleados-estatales/ January 16...