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  1. Finance Prof

    Finally, soon you will be able to leave tips/gratuity at restaurants with your credit card!

    Finally soon you will be able to leave the tip/gratuity at restaurants/bars in Argentina on a credit/debit card instead of having to have cash on you. This was always annoying having to carry around cash but Argentina just announced that soon you will be able to leave it with a credit/debit...
  2. H

    Food & Drink How much do you tip at cafes and restaurants?

    Curious on the normal rate for tipping for cafes and restaurants here. I'm from a non tipping country so I'm not used to it but I do around 10% here. Is that the norm? Some of my Argentine gf family say I tip too much but my gf says they're just stingy with tipping.
  3. B

    How much should I be tipping at restaurants? What is the tipping etiquette in Buenos Aires or Argentina?

    I arrived a few weeks ago and I really love this country. I didn't know what to expect and was so worried about exchanging money. I thought it was all cash culture but was surprised and happy that I can use my credit card at almost all restaurants and cafes. Only very small places I can't pay...
  4. W

    What Christmas or New Year gift do you give to your doorman/woman (Portero/a) in Buenos Aires?

    Happy holidays to all of you on this fabulous new forum. I just gave my doorman a Christmas gift today. I gave him 50,000 pesos and I was wondering if this was enough? I think I usually give him around $50 USD equivalent and I wanted to see what others are paying their doorman if anything...
  5. Daviiiid

    Food & Drink How much do you tip at cafes and restaurants?

    Wondering about the standard tipping etiquette for cafes and restaurants here. I come from a place where tipping isn't the norm, so I'm not entirely accustomed to it, but I usually go with around 10%. Is that the usual practice? My Argentine girlfriend's family thinks I'm overly generous with...