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  1. Sherman

    Newcomer Tipping in BA

    What do you think about tipping? Last night we had dinner and the bill was 34,000, we left 4,500. On one hand, I feel bad because in the US, such a small tip would be frowned upon. But on the other hand, I don't want to contribute to spreading our tipping culture to Argentina.
  2. B

    How much should I be tipping at restaurants? What is the tipping etiquette in Buenos Aires or Argentina?

    I arrived a few weeks ago and I really love this country. I didn't know what to expect and was so worried about exchanging money. I thought it was all cash culture but was surprised and happy that I can use my credit card at almost all restaurants and cafes. Only very small places I can't pay...
  3. H

    Food & Drink How much do you tip at cafes and restaurants?

    Curious on the normal rate for tipping for cafes and restaurants here. I'm from a non tipping country so I'm not used to it but I do around 10% here. Is that the norm? Some of my Argentine gf family say I tip too much but my gf says they're just stingy with tipping.