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  1. RN in BA

    Argentina leaves World Health Organization in nod to Trump

    Milei seems almost obsessed with Trump. I don't think they will miss Argentina but the USA funds much of it. Is there any sense locally that Milei is sucking up to Trump too much? https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/argentina/argentina-leaves-world-health-organization-in-nod-to-trump.phtml...
  2. greiger

    Politics What does Trump's victory mean for Argentina?

    Do you all think Trump's victory is that positive for Argentina? There’s no doubt that Trump and Milei have always shown mutual support, but I just hope he at least helps with the IMF negotiations.
  3. E

    Donald Trump and Elon Musk talking about Milei

  4. Betsy Ross

    Donald Trump Assasination Attempt today - July 13, 2024

    Pray for America. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican. Assassination attempts just cannot happen. Thoughts and prayers for the innocent bystander that died today. This election is going to be chaotic.
  5. Vince

    Trump Demolished President Biden tonight on the Debates

    Wow did anyone watch the Presidential debates in the USA tonight? Biden did horrible! There is no doubt now that he will lose. Hard to believe the Democrats will let him run for President. I'd guess they will have to get someone else on the ticket.
  6. Fred58

    Politics Elon Musk just made a post that everyone is talking about

    It's crazy that there are people who feel proud of Trump despite the charges against him.
  7. All the Answers

    Politics Alex Campbell met with Trump: “His re-election could generate a unique opportunity for Argentina” - Infobae

    Alex Campbell met with Trump: “His re-election could generate a unique opportunity for Argentina” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/26/alex-campbell-se-reunio-con-trump-su-reeleccion-podria-generar-una-oportunidad-unica-para-argentina/ March 25, 2024 The Buenos...
  8. T

    Politics Donald Trump spoke about his bond with Javier Milei after their meeting at CPAC: “I love him because he loves me” - Infobae

    Donald Trump spoke about his bond with Javier Milei after their meeting at CPAC: “I love him because he loves me” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/03/donald-trump-hablo-de-su-vinculo-con-javier-milei-tras-su-encuentro-en-la-cpac-lo-amo-porque-me-ama/ March 03, 2024...
  9. R

    Politics Javier Milei receives Secretary Blinken at the Casa Rosada to consolidate his political relationship with Biden - Infobae

    Javier Milei receives Secretary Blinken at the Casa Rosada to consolidate his political relationship with Biden - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/23/javier-milei-recibe-al-secretario-blinken-en-la-casa-rosada-para-consolidar-su-relacion-politica-con-biden/ February...
  10. Tif85

    Politics In a historic visit, Antony Blinken meets with Javier Milei looking for a strategic partner in Latin America - Infobae

    In a historic visit, Antony Blinken meets with Javier Milei looking for a strategic partner in Latin America - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/22/el-secretario-de-estado-inicia-su-visita-a-la-argentina-para-consolidar-la-relacion-geopolitica-entre-milei-y-biden/...
  11. Spring

    Politics Milei will receive Secretary Blinken at the Casa Rosada and then travel to Washington to share a Republican conclave with Trump - Infobae

    Milei will receive Secretary Blinken at the Casa Rosada and then travel to Washington to share a Republican conclave with Trump - Infobae Source...
  12. D

    Politics At the end of February, Javier Milei will coincide with Donald Trump at a Republican Party summit - Infobae

    At the end of February, Javier Milei will coincide with Donald Trump at a Republican Party summit - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/09/a-fines-de-febrero-javier-milei-coincidira-con-donald-trump-en-una-cumbre-del-partido-republicano/ February 09, 2024 The head of...
  13. PerryP

    Politics Donald Trump supported Javier Milei after his time in Davos: “Make Argentina great again!” - Infobae

    Donald Trump supported Javier Milei after his time in Davos: “Make Argentina great again!” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/19/donald-trump-respaldo-a-javier-milei-tras-su-paso-por-davos-haz-a-la-argentina-grande-otra-vez/ January 19, 2024 The former president of...
  14. Carljunior

    Economy “New Trump”: expectation for Milei's participation in the World Economic Forum - Infobae

    “New Trump”: expectation for Milei's participation in the World Economic Forum - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/01/14/nuevo-trump-expectativa-por-la-participacion-de-milei-en-el-foro-economico-mundial/ January 14, 2025 Milei's presentation at the World Economic Forum...
  15. Avocado

    Politics They have Milei. We have Trump. We’re closer to Argentina’s chaos than we think | AOL News

    Argentina's version of Trump! https://www.aol.com/milei-trump-closer-argentina-chaos-110000883.html
  16. earlyretirement

    Trump tells Argentina's President-elect Javier Milei he plans to visit Buenos Aires (Associated Press)

    Trump tells Argentinine President-elect Javier Milei he plans to visit Buenos Aires FILE - Javier Milei, presidential candidate of the Liberty Advances coalition, speaks at his campaign headquarters after polls closed for general elections in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Oct. 22, 2023. Donald...
  17. N

    Politics Argentina set for sharp right turn as Trump-like radical wins presidency

    Argentina set for sharp right turn as Trump-like radical wins presidency November 19, 2023 By Samantha Schmidt and David Feliba Far-right libertarian Javier Milei delivered a victory speech after winning Argentina's presidency on Nov. 19. BUENOS AIRES — A radical libertarian and admirer of...