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‘The gangs never used to kill children, now they do’: how cocaine created Argentina’s first narcocity


Well-known member
The drug situation is getting really out of hand in Argentina. Hopefully Milei and Bullrich take a tougher stand on these criminals. El Salvador has done a terrific job with the drug traffickers and criminals. I hope Argentina takes the same stance.

I agree about what a fantastic job President Bukele has done in El Salvador. It should be a model for all the countries in Latin America how to be tough on crime. Crime rates there have plummeted.
My friend from El Salvador lives in Chicago now. She still has family there. She said before Bukele you couldn't leave your house. Now it's one of the safest cities in Latin America.

But I heard Argentina is very safe. I assume it's only these border towns which are sketchy?
Bullrich has been a disappointment I thought she was going to declare war on the thugs and chorros but she has been pretty soft.

Some people say it's a tactic to let the leftists show everyone how sick and violent they really are while Milei consolidates power. Hopefully she will go harder soon