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Politics “His choice was a shock” and “the fascination with him as a character”, the reasons why Milei was the cover of Time - Infobae

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“His choice was a shock” and “the fascination with him as a character”, the reasons why Milei was the cover of Time - Infobae​



May 24, 2024

Journalist Vera Bergengruen interviewed the President for the prestigious American publication and gave details about the extensive report. “The rest of the world doesn't know him that much, but he thinks they do,” he said.

Why Javier Milei was on the cover of Time magazine, according to the journalist who interviewed him

The journalist Vera Bergengruen was in charge of carrying out the extensive report that led President Javier Milei to the cover of the latest edition of Time magazine . Throughout 16 pages she reflected the political journey of the leader of La Libertad Avanza and detailed in the radio program Someone has to say it (Mitre), with the journalist Eduardo Feinmann , the details of the hand in hand that he had with the head of state in the Pink House.

“It was super interesting because Time 's audience is international, so I wrote a type of profile to present it to the rest of the world who may not have known much about it , but had seen the show, character, hair, campaign, the lives of the dogs. "Perhaps the Argentine public did not think there was so much new (material)," said the Buenos Aires correspondent of the legendary American magazine.

She highlighted that Milei uses her office in the Government House, the classic venue with the Rivadavia chair, for ceremonies or interviews. “We wanted to take photos of her in her office and they told us that she doesn't use it to work because she doesn't like it ,” she stated.

The daughter of Uruguayan parents, Bergengruen lived in Germany, Mexico and the United States , and lamented on air that the note was made “two or three days after the University March .” “Therefore the questions could not be very adjusted to current events, but rather had a certain timeless character , they were a little to see how he thinks ,” she stated.

According to the journalist , “the rest of the world, the truth is, doesn't know him that much, but he thinks so and he has a fan club in several places , but many people don't know who he is,” the journalist reiterated.

The cover of the latest edition of Time magazine

At one point during the interview with Bergengruen, a fragment of the interview that Luis Majul conducted with the President was played in which the president said: “ I must be the tenth Argentine (NdR: actually the ninth) to be on the cover , I think.” that I must have some merit.” To which the journalist asked: " It's not a neighborhood phenomenon " and the head of state responded: "That Chicago graduate who said that is not doing very well with the issue of having classified me as a neighborhood phenomenon," he ironized. about former Minister of Economy Ricardo López Murphy , who studied at the University of Chicago.

The President acknowledged that, until last night, he had not read T 's note . And, laughing, the journalist said that “the cover and the note are two very different things,” acknowledging the length of the report and stating: “ I am not surprised that I have not read it .”

“It is very interesting for the world,” Vera stated about the editors' criteria for choosing Milei as the cover of the legendary American publication. “ More than anything because of the experiment that is being done in Argentina, obviously because of being that celebrity, that show and the character is not the same as international respect, and I tried to describe that in the article,” the correspondent emphasized. Magazine.

Vera Bergengruen, the Time magazine journalist who interviewed President Javier Milei face to face

“Why was it chosen for the cover?” asked Feinmann. “We chose him because his choice was a shock , because what is happening in Argentina has been so bad for a long time and someone who promises to change things so radically is interesting .” He also added about Milei that “ there is a lot of fascination with him as a character and because of what is happening in the country, people want to know what he said he was going to do and what he is doing , that's why we thought it was a good time, after 100 days (of government) and there present it to the world who may not know much,” he stated.

Being the cover of Time is not the same as international respect ,” was one of Bergengruen's most resonant phrases during the interview. ”Much of what I wrote was also doing interviews with several businessmen from the United States who want to work with Argentina and, for them, the Milei show is a bit of a distraction, which is why one thing is the Milei on the cover and another the one with the note .”

The radical was the title that Time chose to define Milei. And, according to Bergengruen, that definition for the American is that person who does things very different from the past, and shocks people , they don't know how to react, although I know that politically, in Spanish, the meaning of 'radical' is very different,” and added that she preferred another title for the Time cover : Shock therapy , translated into Spanish as “Shock therapy.”

One of the images from the Time article showing the objects that make up the presidential office desk

“Milei may be running out of time before his popular support crumbles,” Feinmann quoted as closing the lengthy article. “Why did she write that phrase?” He asked the journalist. “Because in the US with much lower inflation, people take out governments , but for now it is noticeable that popular support (for Milei) continues, obviously time is an issue, for now people bank it , but that is going to be The most important thing in the coming months: for how long?”

“Did you ask him about his private life?” asked the radio host. “No, I didn't ask him that much about that and they didn't tell me anything about it before making the note,” he highlighted about a possible guideline of the presidential interview.

After the extensive report, it was time for photos. “I asked her to show me her latest book and, in addition, Milei has a table full of gifts from fans with figurines of him , from the political campaign.” Additionally, in the magazine, you see a photo with the different objects that surround him on the desk in the presidential office. “ There is even a table with chocolates with the faces of (Ronald) Reagan and (Margaret) Thatcher , a mug with a photo of the dogs and I asked him who gave him those things, but that is not in the interview,” he closed the enigmatic interviewed.