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Politics “I already have match point for Pedrito”: before businessmen, Javier Milei spoke again about the conflict with Spain - Infobae

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“I already have match point for Pedrito”: before businessmen, Javier Milei spoke again about the conflict with Spain - Infobae​



May 22, 2024

The President ironically referred to the diplomatic counterpoint with strong statements about Pedro Sánchez. In addition, he sent a strong warning to Congress about the possibility of approving projects that “break” the State treasury. “I am going to veto them,” he assured.

“I already have match point for Pedrito”: before businessmen, Javier Milei spoke again about the conflict with Spain

“I come to talk about our dollarization model that we are aiming for, an endogenous dollarization,” were the first words of Javier Milei at the opening of his presentation at the 41st annual IAEF congress and he immediately highlighted the work carried out by Minister Luis Caputo within the framework of his management. Just a few minutes before, the official had pointed out at the same event that having removed the exchange rate in January “would have been a calamity” and also referred to signs of economic recovery .

But while he advanced on his economic definitions, he stopped for a few seconds to talk about the diplomatic conflict that opened with Spain last weekend after his comments about Pedro Sánchez 's wife . “What was the fox plot about? The fox had two types of enemies. Obviously to Monasterio and all his soldiers, that is, the State that came and took the resources from him to take him to Spain. Well, just today I mention Spain. Maybe I already have a match point for Pedrito . Despite what the media progress says,” he emphasized.

President Javier Milei, during his presentation at the 41st IAEF annual congress (Nicolas Stulberg)

It is worth remembering that it was not just another day in the diplomatic conflict that opened with Spain, because in the early hours of this Tuesday the government of the European country announced the withdrawal of its ambassador in Buenos Aires . Immediately afterwards, during an interview with the LN+ channel, the national head of state escalated the diplomatic tension and redoubled his attack on Sánchez . In addition, he reiterated the accusations against his wife, Begoña Sánchez. Milei then assured that the position of her European counterpart is encouraged by Kirchnerism to generate internal problems for the Argentine government, something that she considered a “characteristic of socialists.” And she suggested to former president Alberto Fernández - Sánchez's advisor - that he recommend a psychologist for his " inferiority complex " and a " good lawyer for Begoña, because he has a lot of cases in which he is suspected of drug trafficking." influences ”.

Initially and before businessmen, the President had advanced the reason for his speech. “We are going to a model towards endogenous dollarization. This talk is going to have a first part that is about the nature of money, the second is the inclusion of money in general equilibrium and how the economy works with this (nominal anchor problem), and finally endogenous dollarization, which has to do with the steps and time with Toto Caputo,” he had explained before referring to his European counterpart.

Javier Milei gave details of his economic plan (Photo: Nicolás Stulberg)

During his speech, the President reiterated some of his campaign ideas: “If there is anything the Central Bank can do, the only thing it can do is harm. Therefore, the best the Central Bank can do is nothing. And if the best the Central Bank can do is nothing, it is better not to have it, because a political criminal can always appear who wants to use it to defraud people. If not, look at what has happened to Argentine monetary history from 1935 onwards.”

The president of Spain justified the withdrawal of the ambassador in Buenos Aires: “Far from rectifying, Milei confirms the insult”
It may interest you:The president of Spain justified the withdrawal of the ambassador in Buenos Aires: “Far from rectifying, Milei confirms the insult”

“Now that we are lowering inflation, what is the problem? and yes, unemployment is generated. And of course, obviously, if we are cleaning up the garbage that was made during the last 20 years, not to mention from 1935 onwards. That is the case of the nominal anchor when you set the amount of money: if I set the amount of money, what I am doing is determining the price level and if I had just issued 28 points of GDP and 13 in the last year and Of course, the day you set the amount of money, what is going to happen? With all the delays they are going to have and yes, they are going to have inflation, yes, of course,” he acknowledged.

In addition, Milei pointed out against Kirchnerism by accusing them that “they believed that we were going to release everything without looking at the stock problem. And if we released everything without looking at the stock problem, we were going to generate hyperinflation. And in January there was another government. That easy. But we didn't give them the pleasure. We are finishing, close to the end of May, and we are still here. And with inflation falling.”

“When we said we were going to make this adjustment, everyone said it was impossible. They found that we, in the first quarter, had adjusted seven points. Not only that, but already in the first month of management we had generated a financial surplus. So, instead of accepting that they were wrong, they say this 'it's not a chainsaw, it's scissors plus a lot of blender'. We reduced the number of ministries by half. We cut public works, because we do not believe in public works. We cut discretionary transfers to the provinces in their tracks. We lay off a huge number of public employees, and every time the contracts fall, more public employees leave. We lowered a lot of social plans that were work.”

Javier Milei announced that he will veto projects that want to "break the fiscal balance"
In that sense, he supported the complaints against the picketers who manage cafeterias: “At some point in your life you have seen the number of cases of corruption that are reported from Capital Humano...Notice that we are the Executive Branch, therefore, now it is in the hands of Justice. Don't ask me, we found the pufos, we reported them, now it is in the hands of Justice. So, there was no chainsaw? “It was a tremendous chainsaw.”

“I warn them (the legislators), in case they are interested, that any project that they send from Congress, that they want to break the box and blow up this country, I am going to veto them. “I don’t give a damn,” he added.

In that sense, Milei advanced: “If I implement structural reforms, we will grow much more. If Congress doesn't take it from me now, I don't care. I'm going to try it again. And I'm going to try as many times as I can. And if they don't let me through, the beating that we are going to give them electorally next year is going to change the composition of Congress and we will be able to pass all the reforms. The basic law, as it is today in Congress, is 5 times larger than any. And not only that, but we also have the three hundred reforms of the DNU. So we are 8 times bigger.”

“And I'll tell you something. We still have 3,200 renovations pending. And you know what? We are going to do them. Sooner or later we are going to do them. I don't care how much will he has to block dirty politics. I don't mind. We are going to do it. We are not going to stop until Argentina is the most free country in the world. We are going to do it,” she assured.