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Politics “I'm going to veto everything, I don't give a damn,” Milei warned after the half-sanction of a new retirement formula - Infobae

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“I'm going to veto everything, I don't give a damn,” Milei warned after the half-sanction of a new retirement formula - Infobae​



June 05, 2024

The President called “fiscal degenerates” the leaders of the opposition spaces who promote the proposal that yesterday obtained half a sanction in the Chamber of Deputies. In addition, he spoke about the adjustment and announced that they will fire 50,000 more public employees

“I'm going to veto everything, I don't give a damn,” Milei warned after the half-sanction of a new retirement formula
Today President Javier Milei once again expressed his annoyance against the opposition legislators who gave half-sanction to a bill to modify the retirement formula .

With harsh terms towards the deputies, the head of state warned several times that he will not give an inch in the defense of fiscal accounts and that he will nip in the bud any initiative that puts State resources at risk. And this afternoon it was even more explicit.

“Every time the fiscal degenerates of politics want to go and break the fiscal balance , I tell you now, I am going to veto everything. “I don't give a damn ,” he warned when speaking to businessmen at the 10th Latam Economic Forum.

The phrase generated spontaneous applause and was the precursor to another resonant definition: “They are seeking to break the fiscal balance. When Nayib Bukele (president of El Salvador) took office, he did not have a single legislator, nothing. He ruled by pure veto; Everything they approved, he vetoed them all. And that's what I'm going to do ,” he insisted.

The audience listens attentively to President Milei

Then, he highlighted that, despite the bad omens, his government moved forward with an adjustment that many believed to be unfeasible. “Some, who said that more than one point of GDP could not be adjusted, when it ended up being the equivalent of 7 points, began to question the quality of the adjustment. Out of 123 years, we had a deficit of 113. It was not easy to make the adjustment. And they have seen what degenerate prosecutors are with what happened last night....,” he recalled.

In this context, Milei pointed out (without mentioning it) against Miguel Pichetto : “Yesterday a deputy started defending privileged retirements . Since it is an acquired right, it is not that I am going to touch those who are behind. That is to say that they play from me forward.”

After that reference, he spoke about his future: “ I can stay for four or eight years, if everything goes very well .” Then I'm going to have to go to work. It's interesting because since I have to go out to work again, I have to actively take care of doing things that are good because, if not, the day after I'm out of work and I'm starving ."

Javier Milei (Photo: Adrián Escandar)

More layoffs of public employees and defense of Pettovello​

Throughout his extensive speech, the Argentine president also highlighted what he considers to be the achievements of his administration so far: “ We have basically inherited a disaster, but we do not complain about it; "For a libertarian liberal to become the first president in the history of humanity could not happen under normal conditions... " he reflected before expanding his analysis: "We were clear, and he had maintained this in the campaign, that if it broke out the crisis it was easier to impose adjustment. The complicated case was whether it didn't explode, but we were also prepared to solve it. And that is what we had to do and that is what has avoided the disaster.”

In any case, he made it clear that this is not enough, and warned that they will continue to adjust public accounts. In this framework, he announced that they will lay off another 50,000 state employees who will join those who have already been laid off since the libertarian government began.

We knew that the program was going to generate social tension . Halving the number of ministries was not free... We fired people and we are going to end up firing 75 thousand people; We have 25 thousand... We eliminated discretionary transfers, public works, we eliminated contracts,” he reviewed as highlights of his management.

Milei also did not miss the opportunity to highlight the role of the Minister of Human Capital , who in recent weeks has been the target of numerous criticisms for deficiencies in the distribution of food to canteens, which includes several complaints and an ongoing legal case: “ We are seeing an enormous task that Sandra Pettovello did , which has been so torpedoed in recent days. We have just made a tremendous adjustment and we only have a social claim to the poverty managers.”

Javier Milei with the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei, and Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt, General Director of Chabad Argentina. Photo: Adrián Escandar
“We have grown tired of hearing at conferences that we had to end the work of intermediaries, that we had to end the corruption of social programs, that we had to get out of welfare. We're making it. Now, what did you think, that it was free? Obviously all the losers who lost their jobs were going to get angry. They are seeing it and they are operating on her and the Government from all sides ,” she warned in response to the criticism that the official receives.

At the end of his speech, which in many passages coincided with other economic presentations that the president has made, he insisted that the objective is for Argentina to become a world power again, he gave countries like Germany and Ireland as an example, and even took a moment to defend the monopolies.

“Suppose there are ten companies selling cell phones, one appears that generates a cell phone with a lower price and better quality. Obviously the remaining 9 are going to go bankrupt. AND? If now I have a better cell phone and at a lower price... When you start removing those cobwebs that are in people's heads, things start to change. Monopolies are not bad, in fact, they can be wonderful. And if you don't like the one that's left, get angry with the ones that aren't there, because the one that's there is fixing people's problems. The problem is the State,” she emphasized.

Finally, he explained why he wants Argentina to become a global hub for the development of Artificial Intelligence and stated: “If we generate the right institutions, be it the DNU, the Bases Law, that is, phase 1 of the reforms structural, that will mean that we have the conditions so that in a period of, at most, 40 years, we will once again be a world power.”

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