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Politics “It is a robbery against retirees,” said Axel Kicillof after learning the details of the application of the new mobility formula Infobae

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“It is a robbery against retirees,” said Axel Kicillof after learning the details of the application of the new mobility formula - Infobae​



March 25, 2024

The Buenos Aires governor was shocked by the news that the increase promised for April will be applied starting in July. He anticipated that this will provoke a joint reaction from the opposition


Axel Kicillof prepares to speak at a press conference in which he announced a presentation before the Supreme Court to claim for the funds that the government of President Javier Milei withheld (File image)

“It is impressive , Milei 's decision is that the adjustment does not fall on the caste but on the retirees ,” Axel Kicillof reflected this morning, when analyzing the content of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) according to which the new formula will begin to take effect . apply in July and not in April as had been announced .

It is a robbery on retirees... it is consolidating a decline that has already occurred, and now adjusting it based on prices when the blow was already given to their pockets,” considered the Buenos Aires governor in statements to Radio 10 .

In this context, Kicillof warned that this will provoke a joint reaction from the opposition because the issue of retirements is central to all spaces: “We will see how it is organized, of course based on this we are going to get in touch because all political forces are worried .”

“The other time there was a session to reach by law a retirement formula that restores their purchasing power and protects them against the decisions of (Javier) Milei. That was, I think, three deputies (there were 10) away from achieving a quorum ,” he recalled in the same interview.

Along these lines, the Buenos Aires governor argued that a new attempt is possible because the concern over retirements “cuts across political forces”; even those who sometimes “find it hard to agree.”

“There are points of agreement that we must begin to look for , beyond all provocation and all attempts (made by the national government) to divide, now not Peronism but the democratic political forces. This question of vindicating or not condemning the military dictatorship puts us in another scenario of the possibility of agreements; The same is true for the issue of retirees,” warned the Kirchnerist leader.

Javier Milei observes and listens to Axel Kicillof in Bahía Blanca, during one of the few occasions in which they coincided since the libertarian arrived at the Casa Rosada (Photo: NA)

Regarding Milei's relationship with the governors, Kicillof assured that there are more rumors and speculations than concrete signs: “It was said that there was going to be a call but no one received any call . In the case of the Province of Buenos Aires there is some contact at the level of ministers, but it is very frustrating because there are discretionary issues .”

"I believe that everything has a very regrettable evolution: when the Omnibus Law falls , due to the Government's impossibility of reaching any agreement and then due to their incompetence and clumsiness, they believe that having general approval they could send it to commission and not “They knew I was back to square one,” he recalled in the same radio interview. “Instead of assuming that inability, the response was to say 'we are going to melt the provinces,' ” he lamented.

Regarding the call for a tax rebellion in the province of Buenos Aires, made by representatives of the national government (Milei among them), Kicillof pointed out: “The vice president herself (Victoria Villarruel) said that it made no sense for public officials to call for breaking laws. . It is evident but it seems that this government is willing to cross the boundaries of the obvious. "I think it is the first time that a President of the Nation calls for breaking rules in such an open way."

The new version of the Omnibus Law was also evaluated by the Governor of the province of Buenos Aires, who was not very optimistic about an eventual consensus: “There are issues that are clearly irritating for all sectors, no matter how much they have tried to reduce it.” ”.

“Emergencies and the delegation of powers are still there. I don't know if there is any agreement, especially after the cuts to the provinces that are still in force in the DNU. It is like giving the powers to Milei to make decisions without consultation that are detrimental to the districts that have to continue to be in charge of Health and Education,” he concluded.