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Economy “New Trump”: expectation for Milei's participation in the World Economic Forum - Infobae


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“New Trump”: expectation for Milei's participation in the World Economic Forum - Infobae


January 14, 2025

Milei's presentation at the World Economic Forum is scheduled for Wednesday the 17th at 11:45 a.m. in Argentina. REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian/File Photo

The president Javier Milei will make his debut this Wednesday at the World Economic Forum , which will take place in Davos, Switzerland. The president received more than 60 requests for an audience - between heads of state and investors - and there are many expectations for the exhibition of the “lion” due to his histrionic characteristics, his controversial statements and his radical reformism.

The AFP news agency considers that the libertarian's speech will set the agenda and that “it could revolutionize the event as the former US president did at the time Donald Trump, with whom he was sometimes compared.”
Milei will travel accompanied by the chancellor Diana Mondino, the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei , the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, and the designated ambassador to the White House, Gerardo Werthein; in what, according to Borge Brende, president of the Forum, will be an edition that takes place “in the most complicated geopolitical and economic context in several decades.”

From Latin America, the president of Colombia will participate in this Forum, Gustavo Petro, who last year surprised attendees with his call “ to overcome capitalism”, and the Minister of the Environment of Brazil and former presidential candidate, Marina Silva, who in the government of Lula da Silva has expressed criticism of Petrobras' plans for its offshore exploitation programs, which have made the oil company and Brazil among the world's oil heavyweights. The Peruvian Foreign Minister, Javier González-Olaechea will also participate, but the President of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, will not be able to attend. which was scheduled, but had to give up due to the offensive of the drug groups and the wave of violence that devastated his country.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang will also be in the game, the highest-ranking official of the Asian power to participate in the Forum since the attendance in 2017 of President Xi Jinping, and the Spanish President, Pedro Sánchez, European ally of the former president Alberto Fernández.

The agenda​

Among the economic axes that are on the Forum's agenda is job creation and growth in a new era. “ Rising debt, the energy transition and changing economic geography pose challenges to policymakers in finding a balance between growth, sustainability, inclusion and resilience. At the same time, smart applications of emerging technology contribute to global cooperation, and innovation in industrial and social policy offers opportunities for a new era of job creation, human capital development and good growth,” indicates the forum agenda. .

The posting on networks of a note from Exame, a Brazilian media, highlighting the expectation around Milei
Some of the presentations that will be made on Wednesday, the day Milei will debut, are “Resilience: what it means and what to do about it,” which will focus on “the increasing frequency of shocks and disruptions in recent years has caused a loss of world production of more than 3.6 trillion dollars. “Resilience has become a growing need for businesses and governments seeking to find new growth paths and financial strategies in times of uncertainty.”

“Supply Chains of the Future” will also take place. This presentation will analyze “geopolitical tensions, automation and changing labor costs are triggering a profound reassessment of sourcing strategies, including investing in reshoring and offshoring friends to reduce risk.”

Milei and climate change​

Another focus on Wednesday will be “A long-term strategy for climate, nature and energy.” “Putting a price on nature” is the exhibition of the date that will reveal the fact that the gross domestic product has more than doubled in the last three decades, while natural capital has decreased by almost 40% in the same period.

“Given that more than half of the world's GDP depends on nature and its services, what is needed to better connect ecology to the economy and conservation to development outcomes? “Can the value of nature be quantified as a measure of economic performance?” will be considered in Davos.

Environmental protests in a previous edition of the Davos Forum REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann RC23JE9LUFF2
This could see Milei generating controversy considering his statements on climate change: the libertarian gave an interview in 2021 in which he expressed his skepticism about global warming and accused “socialism” and “cultural Marxism” of driving the policies that address this problem.

“10 or 15 years ago it was argued that the planet was going to freeze, now they argue that it is warming. Come on, dude! Those who know how these simulations are made, the functions are oversaturated in certain parameters on purpose to generate fear more here in time”, he pointed out.< /span>

Another of Milei's statements in this regard was during the second presidential debate ahead of the general elections on October 22: “I do not deny climate change, what I say is that in the history of the Earth there is a cycle of temperatures, that is, there is a cyclical behavior and this is the fifth point of the cycle where... do you know what the difference is with the previous four? That before the human being was not there and now the human being is there.”

“Therefore, all those policies that blame humans for climate change are false and the only thing these policies seek is to raise funds to finance lazy socialists who write second-rate papers (…),” he added.
Trump has nothing in common with Milei. Trump was a lifelong democrat, who ran on being an outsider and businessman, then he spent 4 years hiring Swamp Creatures, spending more than Obama, not pardoning Snowden/Assange, bombing Syria and trying to overthrow Assad, and masterminding the WarpSpeed genetic mRNA 'vaccine' and corollary lockdowns that were some of the greatest infringements on personal liberty since WW2 Japanese internment camps.

Milei is hitting Delete on executive orders and making bureaucrats pay for their unnecessary expenses. there is zero similarity between the two; Milei is an Austrian-Economics PhD that wrote a book about Argentine prosperity-through-individual-liberty-and-free-markets, and Trump has produced zero intellectual content of value.

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