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Politics “The impoverishing Maduro confirms that we are doing well”: Milei's response to the Venezuelan dictator who described him as a “fatal mistake"-Infobae


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“The impoverishing Maduro confirms that we are doing well”: Milei's response to the Venezuelan dictator who described him as a “fatal mistake” in history - Infobae​



January 16, 2024

The Argentine president took aim at the head of the Chavista regime, who had harshly criticized him for his ideas and for believing that "by shrinking the State, prosperity will be born by spontaneous generation."

Maduro described Javier Milei as a “fatal mistake” in the history of Argentina and Latin America
The arrival of Javier Milei to the Casa Rosada heralded a rearrangement in geopolitical relations, especially those linked to the regime of Nicolás Maduro who governs Venezuela. And just over a month after the inauguration of the Argentine president, both staged a tough public confrontation.
The crossfire was started by Maduro, who on Monday qualified Milei as a “fatal error” in the history of his country and Latin America.reduction of the Status, especially his idea of implementing a drastic economic policies, especially for his idea of implementing a drastic reduction of the state.

“I don't want you to rectify it, but I do want you to get this message, that you are wrong (...) You are a mistake in the history of Latin America.Caracas, Parliament), in AN (National Assembly during his annual message to the Maduro”, said Argentina, a fatal error in the history of Milei,

The message arrived, and Milei did not hesitate for a moment to respond to the Bolivarian: “I didn't expect SUCH PRAISE...!!!”, he posted this morning minutes after arriving in Frankfurt (Germany), where he stopped on his way to Davos. “Maduro's impoverishing socialist saying that I am a historical mistake in Latin America confirms that we are on the right path. ..!!!”, he concluded while waiting for the flight that would take him to Zurich (Switzerland)

Javier Milei smiles upon arriving in Frankfurt, where he stopped on the way to Davos

The Argentine President is preparing to participate in the World Economic Forum in Davos, where - as he expressed in dialogue with Infobae- proposes “to plant the ideas of freedom in a forum that is contaminated by the 2030 socialist agenda and that the only thing that will bringing misery to the world.”
On his first official trip as head of state, Milei is accompanied by a small delegation made up of the Chancellor Diana Mondino, the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse and the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo. This was highlighted by the president himself, who highlighted that traveling on a scheduled plane has saved some USD 392,000... This money arises from the efforts of Argentines and it is a moral duty to take care of the mango even in the smallest details... If we take care of the coins, the pesos take care of themselves... ”,

Maduro's attack​

The head of the Chavista regime criticized that Milei, in power since last December 10, has eliminated several ministries with the belief that “by shrinking the State, prosperity will be born by spontaneous generation.”

“You are wrong, Milei (...) they put you in Argentina,” he said.North American imperialism and hand it over on its knees to Argentina and to colonize the national economy, labor rights, to destroy the social rights, to destroy all social and labor rights, to destroy the national economy and to colonize Argentina and deliver it on its knees to U.S. imperialism," he said.

Maduro insisted that the line marked by his Argentine counterpart “is not the way” to follow and that, on the other hand, in Venezuela will continue “defending the need for a powerful Social State, of justice and law.”

Milei's rise to power meant an ideological fracture in the relations between Caracas, which has just ended.Alberto Fernández (2015-2019), which were normalized again during the mandate of Presidency of Mauricio Macri, which experienced tensions during the Buenos Aires and

The Argentine president, Javier Milei (AP/FILE)

On several occasions, Maduro has denounced that Milei wants to turn Argentina into a “colony of foreign capital” and “ subject the people to neoliberal packages.”

Venezuelan advice​

During his annual management review before Parliament, Maduro offered to the president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, advice on penitentiary matters to control wave of violence unleashed in that nation, which declared the existence of an “internal armed conflict ” after clashes with irregular groups in prisons and in some areas.

“President Noboa, if you want to have a security system and a prison system, look for us, not look for the Southern Command. What the Southern Command (of United States) is going to do is interventionism, colonialism”, suggested the head of the regime during his annual message.

Maduro presented his annual management report before the Parliament of his country (REUTERS/Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)

Maduro assured that “creating chaos in the countries” of the region, using criminal groups, is a “new strategy” these territories.Southern Command intends to “occupy with the The United States” with which

In his opinion, any intention to install military bases of the North American country in Latin America and “a historical error”, since “it does not solve the problem”.violation of regional sovereignty and "a historical error", since "it does not solve the problem".

(With EFE information)