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What Does a Unicorn Company Mean?

A unicorn company refers to a privately held start-up that has been valued at over $1 billion (USD). These are rare enterprises indicating a significant achievement because they have witnessed rapid growth and attracted huge investments. Argentina boasts one of the highest rates of unicorns per capita in Latin America making it a reference point for entrepreneurship and ecosystem development.

Having a thriving unicorn scene brings a ton of benefits. It creates high-quality jobs, grabs global attention and investment, and boosts a culture of innovation and risk-taking. These companies often lead the charge in tech advancements and can drive big economic growth. Plus, successful unicorns inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs to start their own businesses, knowing these kinds of achievements are possible.

Some of the big names in Argentina include Mercado Libre, Globant, Despegar, and OLX. Since March 2021, we’ve seen new unicorns like Auth0, Aleph, Vercel, Mural, Bitfarms, Ualá, Tiendanube, and Satellogic pop up.

In the past year, nine companies from Argentina have surpassed a valuation of $1 billion, which is why they are called unicorns.