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Meet-up 17:00 today 20Feb2024 is the Assange rally - anyone going? (Plaza de Mayo)


Well-known member
anyone follow the Julian Assange stuff?

just curious if anyone is going to the 17:00 meet-up. rally? whatever you call it. 17:00-20:30 today (Tuesday)

if you're not following, Julian Assange has been wrongfully imprisoned, convicted of no crimes, and held captive because he reported on illegal/unconstitutional USA wars when he was with Wikileaks. his story is similar to that of Edward Snowden, although Snowden attempted to get to Ecuador before his passport was blocked by the CIA in-transit through Russia.


It wasn't popular. I'd say Snowden and Assange were two totally different types of people. Assange sounds like he went off the deep end towards the end.
Snowden and Assange were two totally different types of people. Assange sounds like he went off the deep end towards the end.
based on what?

Snowden, on WikiLeaks/Assange:

Assange has been locked-up for almost 5 years, and is now in poor health. maybe his captors want him to seem "deep end" so they can extradite him?

Assange's publication of illegal murdering in Iraq helped stop the Iraq Invasion early.

Snowden's release to Glenn Greenwald caused the NSA and Obama to revoke executive spying powers on people in the USA.

both are anti-war and anti-censorship, using different publication methods. but certainly, their truth is treason in an empire of lies.
I think both men very much helped human cause and bad things the government is doing around the world!