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Politics 63% of Argentines approve of Javier Milei's management - Infobae


63% of Argentines approve of Javier Milei's management - Infobae



January 16, 2024

After a month of the new Government, a national survey by Poliarquía Consultores measured the state of public opinion. Partial support for the DNU and the Omnibus Law and concern for the economy next year.


Just over a month into the administration of the libertarian government, 63% of Argentines approve of the direction that President Javier is taking Milei and maintains social credit to the president to carry out the reforms announced for the country.

The data comes from a national survey carried out by Poliarquía Consultores in which the state of public opinion was measured. There, the study indicated that 58% of those surveyed believe that the Government knows how to solve the problems of Argentina, but that it needs time, and a 5% consider that they are already solving them.

The survey also focused on the two core measures of the libertarian administration: the DNU to deregulate the economy and the Omnibus Law which modifies the matrix of the State, whose approval is being delayed in Congress due to the negotiation carried out by the ruling party with the opposition, which demands changes to the text.

About this, the survey concluded that there is partial support for both initiatives as a whole, but support grows when it comes to individual measures. Thus, 39% of the population indicated that they agree with the DNU, while 54% a>31% agree and 59% against. said they were against (7% responded that they had no opinion). On the other hand, the Omnibus Law has less support:

With respect to the general context of the country and the economy, both assessments continue at critical values. For example, only 10% of those consulted consider that the situation in Argentina is good and almost 70% maintain that it is bad or very bad, a record that was maintained during the last five months with the worst values in 20 years.

The Government Omnibus Law

Added to this, there are low expectations for the future since the prospective evaluation of the situation dropped three points - it stood at 46 percent- and for the second consecutive month the presumption grew that the economy will be worse in a year - it stood at 43 percent. For their part, 44% of those surveyed believe that Argentina is going in the right direction and 42% in the wrong direction.

Another relevant fact from the study is that 50% of those who participated acknowledged that they do not make ends meet and have difficulties covering their expenses. In addition, 41% declared that it is just enough and 9% that they have the capacity to save.

In line with this, the increase in prices continues to be the biggest concern: 4 out of 10 people consider it to be the main problem that affects them and 6 out of 10 mentioned some type of problem linked to the economy. In turn, 72% believe that prices will increase a lot in the next three months.

Finally, with respect to the image of the leaders within Kirchnerism, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, continues to be the best valued, but in decline. The positive image of him is 34% and the negative image of him went from 43% to 49%. Meanwhile, Cristina Kirchner remains in numbers almost identical to last month: 25% positive and 57% negative.
The latest poll for President Javier Milei showed that his personal approval and the approval of his government stayed high in July, above 50%, and remained steady. This is despite the widening gap between the official and free market dollar rates and a jump in country risk. People are still backing him.
