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Politics A 48-hour union blockade could affect food distribution throughout the country - Infobae

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A 48-hour union blockade could affect food distribution throughout the country - Infobae​



May 30, 2024

The measure was initiated this morning by the Federation of Food Industry Workers, demanding salary increases. Prevents the entry and exit of trucks from the plants. There are last minute negotiations to resolve the conflict

By Ricardo Carpena

The Food Union blocks the factories of the sector for 48 hours

The distribution of food could be affected throughout the country by a 48-hour blockade in the factories of the sector , which was initiated this morning by the Federation of Food Industry Workers (FTIA) led by Héctor Morcillo, given the failure of the salary negotiations with business chambers. The fight plan began this Wednesday with strikes of 2 hours per shift, continues with the blockades in companies and will continue from next Monday with other measures to be defined.

Given the tension caused by the union's extortionist protests, the Ministry of Labor urgently called a hearing that is currently being held at the official offices on 113 Callao Avenue, with the participation of officials, businessmen and union leaders.

In this way, another important union applies blockades to companies, which are almost the hallmark of the Truckers Union, at a time when the Senate will debate the inclusion in the Bases Law of an article that penalizes these protests by considering them as just cause. for layoffs.
The blockades of the Food Union are part of a plan to fight against the failure of the joint ventures

Morcillo explained to Infobae that this is not the first time that the FTIA has ordered blockades of food companies as forceful measures and denied that they have imitated the protest methodology that Camioneros widespread: “More than something related to the Moyano, (the companies) increased prices like crazy, they don't lower them, now demand is falling and they want to apply the adjustment to us with less salary and fewer hours of work. Well, then they are not going to release merchandise.”

In any case, the union member considered that the blockades “will not cause many supply problems because there is a lot of merchandise in stock” in supermarkets and shops, although he admitted that there may be “specific” problems in some cases.

Spokespersons for the Mondelez company, for example, assured Infobae that "at the Pacheco plant, in Tigre, there are gate blockages, but work is carried out normally in the plant."

Héctor Morcillo and Rodolfo Daer, leaders of the Food Union

When asked about the use of a protest such as blockades of companies, which some judicial rulings considered a crime, Morcillo replied: “It is within the framework of the fight plan. Yesterday (Wednesday) was the strike, today and tomorrow there will be this type of protest in front of the factory gates and on Monday we will see how we continue."

The FTIA leader stated that the forceful measures were adopted due to the lack of business response to the demand for an increase comparable to inflation at the beginning of the 2024 parity, which occurred in May. “They don't offer us anything, less than half of the inflation projected for May,” he said. The big discussion was whether it was a quarterly or monthly agreement. They (the chambers) opted for a monthly agreement, but when we start talking about the numbers, they are not even close to inflation rates. So this caused the conflict. “More than a month of negotiation and nothing happened.”

An Arcor plant blocked by union activists

“We are asking for an increase above inflation ,” he stressed, “because no matter how much you recover nominally in an annual agreement and end up above inflation, your purchasing power is liquefying. The last joint venture closed with values above inflation, but now, when we discuss the May increase, we want the projected inflation and something else because the worker who has just entered, with today's values, ends up 30% below the levels of poverty.”

For Morcillo, companies in the food sector have room to grant an increase like the one demanded by the union because they were “the ones that stressed the most and did not lower prices” and he pointed out: “They highlighted a dollar of 1,600 or 1,800 pesos, but, without However, when it stabilized at 1000, prices did not drop, as they acknowledged to the Minister of Economy himself.”