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Economy A family needed $495,798 to not be poor in December: what was the increase in the basic basket in 2023 - Infobae


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A family needed $495,798 to not be poor in December: what was the increase in the basic basket in 2023 - Infobae


The increase was 225.1% in 2023, above inflation. According to Indec, the food basket advanced 30.1% in December and 258.2% throughout the year

The high inflation of December had a strong impact on the poverty and indigence baskets. AP Photo

The total basic basket (CBT) increased in December by 27%, completed 2023 with a rise of 225.1% and thus a family of two adults and two children needed a monthly income of $495,798 at the end of the year to not fall below the poverty line, reported this Monday the Indec.

In the same way, the basic food basket (CBA) had an increase of 30, 1% in the last month of the year, which implies that a family with the same characteristics needed to have income of $240,679 in December so as not to be considered homeless. Throughout 2023, the increase in the CBA was 258.2 percent. Like the CBT, they were above the annual inflation rate, which was 211 percent.

The two indicators are decisive to measure the impact of the economic crisis on social indicators. This happens because the basic basket – which in addition to food includes other spending items such as clothing, health, transportation or education – determines the so-called “poverty line”. That is, households with incomes less than the CBT are those that are considered poor. A key fact: this indicator does not take into account the cost of renting housing.

Throughout 2023, the increase in the CBA was 258.2 percent. Like the CBT, they were above the annual inflation rate, which was 211 percent

In the same way, the food basket – which has a limited scope to basic necessities – is what configures the “indigence line”< a i=2>: those families that do not cover the income necessary to acquire the CBA are indigent.

The Indec report also measures the monthly income necessary for a family with other characteristics. For a household that has an adult woman, a teenage son and a retiree, the remuneration to not be considered a poor household was $394,713 and $191,608 to not be indigent. And for a family of 5 members, made up of a man and a woman, both 30 years old, and three children aged 5, 3 and 1, the income to not be poor was $521,471 and $253,141 to not be indigent.

The strong increase in food impacted the price of basic baskets. Bloomberg

The Indec had reported on Thursday that the increase in the Consumer Price Index in December was 25.5 percent. In this way, it reached 211.4% in 2023, the highest annual figure since 1990.

“The division with the greatest increase in the month was Miscellaneous Goods and Services (32.7%), as a result of the increases in Personal Care items. They were followed by Health (32.6%), driven by variations in medications and prepaid medicine; and Transportation (31.7%), due to increases in fuel. The division with the highest incidence in all regions was Food and non-alcoholic beverages (29.7%)”, was the disaggregated analysis published by Indec.

“Within the division, the increase in prices in Meat and derivatives, and Bread and cereals stands out. The two divisions that registered the smallest variations in December were Education (6.2%) and Housing, water, electricity and other fuels (13.8%). At the category level, the Core CPI (28.3%) led the increase followed by Regulated (20.7%), while Seasonal registered an increase of 16.2%,” the official report clarified.

In detail, what increased the most in the last month of 2023 among foods was lemon, which went from costing $459.36 per kilo in November to $775.97 in December (69% increase) in Greater Buenos Aires. In second place comes sunflower oil, whose price increased 57% on the shelves (from $1,273 to $1,993 for a 1.5 liter bottle); Completing the podium is simple white rice, which suffered a 53% increase in the one-kilogram package ($1,020 to 1,557).

Further back, but also with increases above 50%, are common wheat flour 000 -increased 52% and reached $492- and the canned whole tomato, which had an increase of 51% (the 230 gram can went from $379.69 to $573.51 ).