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Trip Reports A few observations and experiences from last week


New member
We've just returned from an amazing vacation in Argentina, with a delightful itinerary: 2 nights in Buenos Aires, 2 nights in Puerto Iguazu, 4 nights exploring the Salta province, and a final 6 nights back in Buenos Aires.

Our experience was made even more memorable thanks to our private guide, the lovely Hanne. She assisted us with practicalities like getting a local SIM card and a subway card, navigating buses and the subway, and even took us to a trusted money exchange place. Hanne provided us with a detailed guided tour of key spots like Recoleta Cemetery, the main plazas, La Boca, and San Telmo. This invaluable information ensured our last 6 days were spent wisely without any uncertainties about where to go or what to do.

Money exchange was surprisingly easy, and we felt secure throughout the process. It was on Florida, with two strangers,

Toilets in museums, cafes, and restaurants often lacked seats and were quite low. Additionally, the practice of disposing of paper in a bin was common, and locks on doors were rare.

Food was a highlight, especially empanadas. We discovered that they were particularly delicious in smaller, independent cafes where they were freshly made. My husband indulged in numerous delicious and reasonably priced steaks, and portions were consistently generous.

Tea orders took a few tries to get right. Initially served black, we eventually figured out how to request tea with cold milk. Language posed a challenge; while we could ask questions, understanding the responses proved difficult. Hand gestures became essential, given that most people we encountered didn't speak English.

People were universally kind and friendly, with just one exception—a somewhat grumpy encounter at Fredo while inquiring about ice cream flavors.
Transportation was both inexpensive and straightforward. Unlike London, many stations were not deeply underground, requiring only a single flight of stairs.

A day trip to Colonia, Uruguay, was a definite highlight. The beauty of the place, combined with slow and pedestrian-friendly drivers, made for a memorable experience. The stunning sunsets were an added bonus.

I might be missing some details, but I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.
I am glad you had an amazing trip in my country. We are very grateful that many tourists are coming to Argentina and helping our economy. My friend owns a clothing store and another owns a bakery and they tell of how generous and wonderful the tourists are. Do you have Hanne's contact info? If you don't want to post it publicly can you PM it to me? I have a friend coming in town and I have to work so I can't show her around but Hanne sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing your trip report.
I hope I have a great trip like you. What was the best place for tea? A great English breakfast tea is vital for me and the Mrs. I'd appreciate some of your favorite tea places @snowgirl. Thanks!