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Politics A massive march and a strike with disparate compliance, signs of a CGT that sent coded messages to Milei - Infobae


A massive march and a strike with disparate compliance, signs of a CGT that sent coded messages to Milei - Infobae


January 24, 2024

The background of the measure of force carried out by the labor union, with dialogue-oriented and hard-line leaders who exchange their roles waiting for the Government to give in and call them to dialogue. Pablo Moyano's “metabolic” phrase that alarmed his colleagues

By Ricardo Carpena

Héctor Daer, in his speech at the CGT event; behind, Pablo Moyano (Photos: Adrián Escandar)

Among the leaders of the CGT there is contained euphoria. They filled the streets with protesters from different social, union and political sectors against Javier Milei, in a kind of new life after the long period of union hibernation with Alberto Fernández. And now, they believe, comes the most difficult part: the dialogue faction hopes that the “demonstration of force” that was the act before Congress will provoke a call from the Government to dialogue. “No one is talking about another strike,” they say.

However, the same moderate unionists know that their more combative colleagues, aligned with Kirchnerism, do not have the objective of opening negotiations with the Casa Rosada but rather taking advantage of today's street postcard to advance their offensive against the President and wear him down.

“It was a good call, but in the marathon this is only the first 50 meters,” a member of the dialogue wing of the CGT admitted to Infobae . And he pointed to the document read during the event as the pillar of the Cegetista strategy: there, beyond criticism against the Government, it was warned that “societies are transformed with dialogue and consensus” and highlighted “the importance of social dialogue as the only tool to grow with equity.” They are coded messages that a sector of unionism tries to get Milei to decode in order to call them to a first face-to-face meeting.

A moment of relaxation on stage between Pablo Moyano, Julio Piumato and Maia Volcovinsky

The mobilization was massive, something that reinforces the signal that the CGT wants to send to the Government, but compliance with the strike was too disparate . It is true that the unionists prioritized the presence of the protesters in the street and that is why they enabled transportation until 7 p.m. However, the lack of compliance with the strike in some sectors leaves doubts about what Sergio Massa already warned the leader. cegetista: who rushed to declare a strike 45 days after the government took office.

Meanwhile, below the surface where tensions dominate the scene, there are WhatsApp messages between Milei and leaders such as Gerardo Martínez, the leader of the UOCRA. The two met last September, when the libertarian leader had already won the PASO, with the excuse of talking about the UOCRA Labor Termination Fund, which Milei took as a model for a new compensation system. Contact was never broken. Martínez is one of the Cegetista leaders who lowered his profile in the fight with the Government with the intention of preserving himself for a dialogue.

Héctor Daer (Health), one of the co-owners of the CGT, is a true dialogueist as a member of the “Fat People” sector along with Armando Cavalieri (Commerce), two unionists who have spoken and negotiated with governments of all kinds for some time. decades. Today, Daer joined the combative ranks: he was the one who insisted the most to carry out a general strike like the one today, in the middle of summer, even against the opinion of a tough leader like Pablo Moyano, for whom we had to wait until March to protest. because “in January and February the workers take vacations.”

The CGT act, from the reflection in Hugo Moyano's glasses

This afternoon, closing the event with a very critical speech, Daer warned: “We are going to continue the fight until we are successful and the DNU falls and the omnibus law is rejected.” Could it be an indication that there are fewer and fewer dialogueists in the CGT? And that the union attack could continue in March with a 24-hour general strike, as some leaders are beginning to quietly demand?

Another moderate leader like Cavalieri, who generated controversy among his colleagues for having met with the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, the same week that the CGT was debating the protest against Milei, was also very critical of the ruling party: in the mobilization before Congress, the head of Commerce stood at the head of his union's column and criticized the “use of retirees as a campaign tool,” pointing out “unfulfilled promises and lack of substantial improvements,” and said: “The adjustment is a reality that we cannot ignore and that is why it is essential to support the general strike as an act of resistance. “Workers need unity to stand up to policies that threaten their labor rights and working conditions.”

From different factions of the CGT, in any case, they regretted Pablo Moyano's threat to “throw the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, into the Riachuelo” if he continues with the economic policy. A leader of the moderate sector judged that he “played into Milei's hands” because he “leaves us associated with intolerance.” In recent weeks, the truck leader has become the main spokesperson for the CGT, with strong statements against the Government, but his attack this afternoon gave air to the hard wing of the Casa Rosada and took away space from his colleagues who prefer to tend bridges rather than breaking them.

Armando Cavalieri was in the CGT mobilization and was very critical of the Government

After the Cegetista act, when consulted about these statements by a TN journalist, the trucker leader counterattacked by answering that the media in which he works did not question José Luis Espert when he proposed “jail or bullet” for the criminals or Milei when “he whored the Pope either vindicated Margaret Thatcher or (Ronald) Reagan.” Although he defended what he said, he stated with an annoyed tone that he had used “a metabolic phrase” (SIC), surely to mean that it was metaphorical.

Perhaps the subconscious betrayed him: the metabolism of the CGT is altered, even though it can boast of having mobilized 600 thousand people and, adding the protests throughout the country, 1,200,000 (for the Ministry of National Security, they were only 40,000 protesters in CABA).

The thing is that in the DNA of the Cegetista leadership is the will to always negotiate, not to repeatedly strike. As demonstrated in those long 4 years of total passivity in the government of Alberto Fernández, despite record inflation and poverty at devastating levels like never before seen. Facundo Moyano, deputy secretary of the Toll Union, put in the scalpel today when he said that “this strike should have been a few years ago” and pointed out: “This march has to be a march demanding things that go against the workers.” , but also a march to make a deep self-criticism of the disaster that we were as a government.”