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Real Estate News A new gated community in the southern area sold 75% of the lots in just three days - La Nacion Propiedades



A new gated community in the southern area sold 75% of the lots in just three days​

December 13, 2023

IRSA transferred the land for US$16.4 million in consideration for lots and partnered with the developer that has already gone through the experience of creating the Nuevo Quilmes gated community and is now going for Nuevo Quilmes 2


IRSA is preparing for the construction of a gated community that will be Nuevo Quilmes 2 with a strategic partner

In the midst of a hot end to the year, marked by the beginning of a new Government, the real estate market continues to register a prodigious phenomenon: decisions to purchase new properties or lots are accelerating and growing, taking advantage of the opportunity to pay both in pesos plus CAC like in dollars.

A clear example of this boom is that according to the real estate company that markets the land of a new gated community in Ezpeleta, 75% of the new 46-hectare project was sold in three days. This is Nuevo Quilmes 2, under the alliance of IRSA and the developer Deingra, the same one that was in charge of the gated community of the same name located eight minutes from Puerto Madero , at kilometer 17 of the Buenos Aires - La Plata highway.

Marketing is carried out in three stages, with a difference of 7.5% between each one in the sales values. The real estate agency hopes that the remaining lots will be purchased before the end of the year.


The project has 330 single-family lots and six macro lots.

How was the purchase of the land for the creation of the gated community?​

“The real estate project that will be developed on the property consists of a gated community of 330 single-family lots and six macro lots for medium-density developments,” IRSA reported in a statement published in the National Securities Commission (CNV).

Eduardo Elsztain , president of IRSA, sold the land for US$16.4 million to the developer in exchange for half of the lots as part payment, thus becoming a partner in the project. In addition, “the company received the sum of $62.3 million in cash as part of the consideration.”


Nuevo Quilmes 2 is located in the Buenos Aires - La Plata Highway corridor.

What is the gated community project like and its prices?​

Nuevo Quilmes 2 is a project located on the Buenos Aires - La Plata Highway corridor, and will become the second closest neighborhood to the City of Buenos Aires . The lots are sold from US$112,000 and go up to US$148,000, depending on the surface area and the strategic area in which they are located.

The place that functions as a continuation of its predecessor but on a smaller scale, has large green spaces, water bodies made up of a central lagoon and internal channels, a beach club, SUM overlooking the lagoon, among others. In addition, it has a direct descent from the highway and a second access 1000 meters from Miter Avenue.


Nuevo Quilmes 2 is the second closest neighborhood to the city of Buenos Aires.

The real estate agency that markets established a construction period of 18 months and the lots have financing of 50% down payment and the other 50% in up to 24 installments in pesos with CAC update.
