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Politics A setback that exposed lack of coordination between the Senate and the Casa Rosada and deepens the confrontation strategy - Infobae

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A setback that exposed lack of coordination between the Senate and the Casa Rosada and deepens the confrontation strategy - Infobae​



March 15, 2024

The government used the rejection of the DNU to reinforce the public anti-caste campaign that, for now, has paid off with its electorate. Victoria Villarruel's message

By Federico Mayol

Voting of the DNU 70/23 in the Senate of the Nation

“He passed the messages he had to pass ,” they said from the Senate, late into the night. At 9:16 p.m., Victoria Villarruel published her own defense on the official account of the social network Argentina “is unwavering” and did not plan to become “Cristina Fernández de Kirchner”, successively questioned for her discretionary handling of the debate in the upper house. But the vice president also highlighted that the Senate “is an independent power” and that “there is no government without institutions.”

The previous afternoon, when he began to smell that the decree of necessity and urgency 70 devised by Federico Sturzenegger - criticized even by the allied blocs - was in danger in the Senate, the president endorsed the publication of an official statement in which he expressed his "concern due to the unilateral decision of some sectors of the political class that intend to advance with their own and unconsulted agenda that, according to the Casa Rosada, hindered "negotiations and dialogue between the different sectors of the political leadership."

The presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni , explained yesterday morning, in his usual press conference, that the statement was not addressed to Villarruel, and was surprised by this interpretation made by all the media, without exception.

Last night, nine minutes after the video that the vice president posted on her social networks, after the government's hard setback in the Senate, the President's Office reported from the X account that Milei had interpreted the rejection of DNU 70 "as an attempt to undermine the May Pact”, and that it was “time for the political class to decide which side of history it wants to be on”.

There was no explicit allusion to Villarruel: she had not been referred to by name or surname in Wednesday's statement either. It wasn't necessary. Until midnight, the vice president had also not reposted the official government communication on her X account. Actually, she never does. It is likely that this morning, Adorni will once again deny short circuits between the president and his vice president. But yesterday's rejection of the DNU's deregulation of the economy, still in force until it is resolved by deputies, exposed the lack of coordination between the Senate and the Casa Rosada, and once again deepened Milei's strategy of confrontation with a good part of the political system . “the caste”, which has given him so much benefit until now in a considerable sector of public opinion.

Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel
According to most surveys, Milei and Villarruel are the two best evaluated leaders, followed by the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich . For analysts, the president's numbers are surprising because, unlike his vice president, who hardly gives interviews and shapes an agenda parallel to that of the government, he absorbs the entire cost of the fierce adjustment that he implemented starting December 10 and that includes the liquidation of salaries and retirements.

For the president, DNU 70 is a fundamental piece of his plan to deregulate the economy, and its rejection yesterday by the Senate constitutes, according to the official statement, an attack on the March 1 call, the signing of the Pact of May 25 in Córdoba. In the immediate future, it also poisons the negotiations around the basic law that the Casa Rosada submitted this Thursday to the governors, to try to reach a consensus on its approval along with the fiscal package that includes the restitution of the Income Tax, a request not only from a good part of the provincial heads if not also from the Monetary Fund.

Yesterday, the Senate was abuzz. Due to the repercussions of the Presidency's statement the previous afternoon and the undeniable lack of coordination with the Casa Rosada. “The government made the decision not to collaborate ,” they highlighted near the vice president minutes before the vote - there were 42 votes against that motion, 25 in favor and four abstentions -, visibly annoyed. “Everyone here wants to help, but no one can. There is no one working: there are senators who were not even given a national delegation in their provinces,” they added. And they added: “The only one who speaks for this to go well is Villarruel, and now she is under fire.”

The dialogue between the vice president and the Casa Rosada is very scarce. In the Senate there is also growing concern about the level of attacks circulating on social networks.

The vice president, Victoria Villarruel, in this Thursday's session in the Senate

The former deputy, for example, had wanted to oppose the Executive's decision to suspend the increase in the legislators' allowance, a sensitive issue that is going through Parliament.

Last night there were a series of versions about supposed negotiations prior to the discussion in the Senate with a group of governors that, in light of the facts, at least did not come to a successful conclusion. For example, Misiones, Santa Cruz, Río Negro or Entre Ríos. A Peronist senator from one of those provinces who could have considered rejecting him confirmed to this medium that he did not receive any suggestion from the Executive. “The president has to reconfigure his strategy,” he said last night.

Neuquén is, perhaps, one of the most resonant cases because its governor, Rolando Figueroa , was in the afternoon at the Ministry of the Interior with Minister Guillermo Francos and Nicolás Posse , the chief of staff, and Carmen Lucila Crexell , the senator of that district that has fluid dialogue with the provincial head, voted against the DNU. According to her, the legislator, who was determined not to accompany the government, spoke with the governor before and after that meeting, and before the vote. She received no indication.

Due to parliamentary incapacity or weakness, or the logic in the decision-making system implemented by Milei and her small table, made up of her sister Karina and Santiago Caputo , the truth is that the Casa Rosada did not activate any negotiation mechanism to try to twist destiny.

On the contrary, the government tried to capitalize on the setback by deepening its strategy of confrontation with the system that, for now, served Milei to strengthen the support of its electorate, driven mainly by an efficient and aggressive campaign on social networks. the terrain that best suits the president.

The criticism of the Casa Rosada is that there is no negotiating power

Yesterday, the Casa Rosada used this tool to point out the 42 legislators who were inclined to reject DNU 70. The most targeted was Martín Lousteau - very confrontational with Milei -, the president of the national committee of the UCR who, last night, abandoned satisfied the venue, despite the relentless digital harassment of libertarian followers. “He is very convinced of what he did,” they said in his circle.

Now, the ball has passed to Deputies: the government will seek to delay the treatment of the decree of necessity and urgency in parallel to the negotiation of the Omnibus Law that has already failed in that chamber. This Wednesday, the Casa Rosada had managed to deactivate the session promoted by Juan Manuel López , the head of the Civic Coalition block, to discuss his pension reform project that tied retirement increases to the INDEC Consumer Price Index since April with a retroactive of 20% to compensate for the liquefaction in assets during the first quarter of the year. The Executive project, included in the basic law, establishes a similar formula, but with a compensation of 10%.

The radicals referenced in Lousteau did not provide a quorum. The day before, they had threatened to lower the premises, but at the last minute they did not appear. In the Lower House they trusted that, in parallel, the Ministry of Human Capital increased the university budget by 70%, an item that this sector of the UCR follows with special attention. Close to the president of the radical committee, they explained that this increase in allocations for the universities had already been negotiated for some time, that it was publicized in those hours to try to neutralize the strike of university teachers scheduled for this Thursday, and that it had nothing to do with the failed session due to the retirement formula. Lousteau, furthermore, already knew that, last night, he would deal the government a severe setback.