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Apartment Rental A study revealed the data that can make an apartment rent faster - La Nacion Propiedades



A study revealed the data that can make an apartment rent faster - La Nacion Propiedades



July 21, 2024

The research analyzed the impact of the age of a property on a tenant's choice to rent it


A report revealed a key fact about rentals

The age of a property can determine whether it is rented out faster or not. This is the data revealed by a study that reflects the behavior of May of this year that analyzed the behavior of demand with respect to supply in the rental market . The report showed that units between 25 and 50 years old captured 35% of the rental demand in April in AMBA, according to the analysis carried out by Zonaprop. For its part, properties over 50 years old attracted 6% of the searches, those between 10 and 25 years old captured 17% and, finally, the “younger” units up to 10 years old, 24% of the demand. Regarding brand new units, 17% of the searches were directed to them.

While in GBA North, units between 25 and 30 years old are also the most sought after , in April-May they registered a year-on-year drop. They currently receive 2.5 times more demand pressure than the 0-10 year segment.


The evolution of rental demand according to seniority

Finally, the case of GBA West-South shows a singular phenomenon (also in April-May): units over 50 years old are the most in demand , receiving 16% more searches than new apartments.

The same report reflected that, currently, the City of Buenos Aires registers 64% of rental searches , while GBA North, 13% and GBA West-South, 22%. From 2017 to July 2020, there was a growth in rental searches in Greater Buenos Aires, however, since 2020 CABA has again taken a greater share.

Where and what is most sought after

In relation to the most sought-after types of properties, in AMBA apartments account for 83% of rental searches and the remaining 17% is divided between houses and PHs. The latter are the scarcest properties to rent in relation to the demand that exists.

The city of Buenos Aires is the only district where 99% of the searches are for apartments and only 1% for houses/PH. In GBA North and GBA West/South the search pattern is similar: apartments are in demand between 76% and 82%, respectively.


Apartments account for 83% of rental searches

In CABA, there is a preference for studio apartments (21% of searches) that decreases towards larger units. In GBA North, the demand pressure on two-room units is increasing (43%) and searches for three and four-room units are at 47%, well above what occurs in CABA with this typology (32%). In GBA West/South and CABA are where four-room properties are least sought after.

Regarding the most searched neighborhoods, Palermo (16%), Recoleta (10%) and Belgrano (7%) are the ones that receive the most searches. On the other hand, the neighborhoods that receive the fewest searches are Monserrat, Coghlan and Colegiales , each with 2% of the total searches.


Rentals: Palermo, Recoleta and Belgrano are the neighborhoods that receive the most searches
