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Politics Adorni questioned the CGT after not meeting its objective with the strike: “It seems to me that people got tired of hypocrisy” - Infobae

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Adorni questioned the CGT after not meeting its objective with the strike: “It seems to me that people got tired of hypocrisy” - Infobae​



May 10, 2024

The presidential spokesperson said that the measure “was a failure” and defined it as “an accumulation of threats, extortion and fear that they wanted to instill.”

The presidential spokesperson targeted the union leaders

Regarding the end of the general strike called by the CGT , the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni , questioned the labor union after not reaching its objective with the measure of force, despite the limitations in transportation. “ It seems to me that people are tired of hypocrisy ”, He considered.

Although the strike was felt, compliance with the measure was somewhat uneven. The measure affected the normal functioning of public transportation, banks, schools, hospitals and even airports, but people found a way to get to their jobs and businesses opened their doors . Likewise, from the Cegetista leadership they defended the “forcefulness” of the strike.

In this context, Adorni analyzed that “since the last elections there was a change of era.” “It seems to me that the rejection is quite transversal to almost the entire society for these characters,” she said in reference to the CGT leaders during an interview with the program “ Do you see it? ” by Jonatan Viale on the air of TN .

The presidential spokesperson explained that “there is almost 80 percent rejection of these characters, because well they have been in union power for 20, 30, 40 years and the results are miserable salaries, 45 percent of informal workers, 11 years without creation of employment, 15 years without creating companies, but they drive around in imported cars and have millions.” For this reason, he expressed: " It seems to me that people got tired of the hypocrisy and what they saw was all the businesses open, people wanting to work and the feeling that if they couldn't get transportation today in Argentina absolutely nothing would happen."

The CGT leadership (Photo: Luciano González)

During Thursday, Adorni had already referred to the strike called by the CGT, he did so during a press conference at the Casa Rosada. “A strike based on stones, extortion and threats is not a strike, it is simply a day where we see the consequence of a union scheme that has clearly remained in another time,” he stated on that occasion.

The official also narrated that “there were corners where the bus drivers were attacked with stones and punctured tires with nails,” and said that “there were shock forces from the Truckers ' union preventing workers from entering the factories in Pacheco, Mataderos and San Martín. ”.

Later, he added in the television interview that “today was not a strike”; On the contrary, he defined it as “ an accumulation of threats, extortion and fear that they wanted to instill and achieved what they achieved .” Consequently, he defined the measure as “a failure.”

As a summary of the day, he regretted that the workers said: “Look, I need to get to work, because I need to eat.” “Beyond the amount, which is very impressive, that Argentina lost today, that the Government did not lose it, the people lost it. Within that cold mass of money, it seems to me that the one who was left without a plate of food by these people today is the worker, it seems to me the most terrible thing,” she stated.

One of the main reasons for the unions to call the general strike was to reject the Bases Law , which is being discussed in Congress. In this regard, the presidential spokesperson maintained that "they do not understand that if things go well for the businessman, things go well for the employee." “They have created this false fight between employer and employee that makes no sense,” he continued and added: “We are used to living in a society where you have a very important sector of unionism that has helped destroy Argentina, because they are part of of decadence and is part of these people who want to stay on December 10 and who do not understand that people decided to move forward and have a different Argentina.”
People just want some normalcy and want to try something different. Union bosses are looking for the norm and don't want things to change but most Argentines that I know do want to try to change and improve the system.