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Real Estate News Advantages and cons of living on Buenos Aires avenues - Infobae


Advantages and cons of living on Buenos Aires avenues - Infobae


November 03, 2023

What are the advantages and cons of living on Buenos Aires avenues and what you need to know to choose an apartment​

Living in a property on a main artery of a Buenos Aires neighborhood offers proximity to services and transportation, but it is not exempt from some problems and a premium in relation to similar homes located on a street.

By José Luis Cieri

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Figueroa Alcorta Avenue is residential and connects the city with arteries that go towards the province of Buenos Aires

The choice to reside in homes located on the avenues of the city of Buenos Aires is a personal decision that many people make, attracted by their accessibility and connectivity. These locations generally have a strong public transportation system that includes multiple bus lines, the subway, and the Metrobus.

Although they are often a little noisier than secondary streets or more remote areas, those who choose them experience a feeling of greater security when entering and leaving their homes, since the constant presence of people and vehicles provides a feeling of reservation.. The avenues, for the most part, present distinctive characteristics. Whether due to their abundant vegetation or the quality and type of light they receive, they tend to stand out. In addition, they usually offer panoramic views.

“In terms of public transport, avenues offer a wide range of options for movement, becoming a nerve center of mobility in the city. In addition, they are usually the main arteries that connect with the entry and exit routes of the city, playing a fundamental role in the fluidity of traffic and accessibility for residents,” explained Fabián Catanese, from Martín Pinus Real Estate.

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Living on avenues has significant benefits, especially with regard to the connectivity of the area.

Fernando Coelho , from Coelho Propiedades, highlighted to Infobae that, “the avenues offer greater separation between the buildings and the sidewalk in front, allowing the apartments to enjoy greater lighting and a visual breadth that is seen in a distinctive way. Additionally, they are the epicenter of public transportation in the city. Here are the bus stops and subway stations, and the constant presence of taxis in circulation.”

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A duplex on Avenida Callao, in Recoleta, with a long view

Advantages and disadvantages​

The avenues offer larger spaces, they are always more illuminated and well paved compared to other streets. In addition, the spaciousness of the spaces, the good condition of the sidewalks and the asphalt are aspects valued by those who choose to live here. It is important to note that the urban code allows taller construction projects in these areas, which can influence the higher price of the land at the time of its commercialization.

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Comfortable homes that face avenues provide a plus over others that are on more distant arteries.

However, it is important to consider the disadvantages pointed out by experts. Román Andrés Paikin , from San Roman Propiedades, warned Infobae about pollution, both noise and environmental, as a concern for those who live on the lower floors of apartments located on avenues. “Traffic noise and air pollution, including vehicle smog, may be more pronounced in these locations, which may impact residents' quality of life. “Some solve the noise problem with double glass enclosures on the windows, to avoid outside noise.”

What prioritizes demand​

It is true that avenues tend to be more visible, but the preference for purchasing homes in these locations depends on multiple factors, such as individual needs, budget, proximity to specific activities, and personal preferences.

“It is essential to highlight a significant distinction: emblematic avenues such as Santa Fe, Cabildo, Corrientes or Córdoba, for example, are not comparable with Figueroa Alcorta or Avenida del Libertador. In the latter there are some of the most representative residential buildings in the city, which influences the choice of housing in a notable way,” Catanese specified.

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The high floors allow unique views like this apartment located on a building on Avenida del Libertador

In neighborhoods like Villa del Parque and Villa Santa Rita, this trend is not manifested in such a marked way. However, if you move away from the avenues in these neighborhoods for more than 3 blocks, the values tend to gradually decrease.

“Regarding the commercial movement, its influence on the choice to live on the avenue varies. In the case of Villa del Parque and Villa Santa Rita, the commercial movement has a positive impact on the demand for apartments, since it is still moderate, allowing for a less hectic living experience compared to other areas of the city," Paikin clarified.

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Intersection of Nazca and JA García Avenues, in Villa del Parque

What about prices​

In general, properties located on avenues tend to be priced at least 10% higher than properties on surrounding streets.

Coelho explained: “At the same time, the sunny sidewalk of the avenue tends to be busier with pedestrians, which benefits local businesses and provides greater lighting to the apartments, which is also reflected in the valuation of these properties.”

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Avenida San Martín at 7000 with Metrobús included

Martín Pinus , from the real estate company of the same name, told Infobae that “properties located on avenues in CABA definitely have additional value. Those looking to live in buildings on the main arteries of the city may face an increase of between 20% and 40%, although this variation also depends on the type of property.”

Among the stately avenues, Figueroa Alcorta stands out for its elegance and attractiveness with few commercial premises and high-class buildings. On the other hand, Avenida del Libertador impresses with its spaciousness, green spaces, monuments and sculptures, which add notable aesthetic value.

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Cabildo Avenue at 1100

Avenues such as Callao, Alvear, Coronel Díaz, Santa Fe, Cabildo, among others, are influential in the real estate market and offer apartments of the category and quantity of m2 required by many clients in the high-end segment.

But there are several throughout the city, such as Goyena, Rivadavia, Pueyrredón, Independencia, Francisco Beiró, Congreso, Córdoba, De los Incas, Álvarez Thomas, Juan B. Justo, Montes de Oca, 9 de Julio, Avenida de Mayo, Dorrego, Directorio, San Martín, Álvarez Jonte, among others, who attract demand.

On Avenida del Libertador at 4600, a high-end apartment in Palermo, with 6 rooms, costs USD 750,000, two blocks away, on an internal street, a similar property costs USD 625,000.

In Villa del Parque, on Nazca Avenue, “the values on the avenues of this neighborhood are well valued, with the exception of the first floors, which are the most affected by traffic noise and smog. The side streets also maintain their prices up to a block, and as they move further away from the avenues, the prices gradually decrease,” Paikin clarified.

To consider​

In the real estate market, apartments between the 1st and 2nd floors and the last, unless they have a large terraced balcony, are the most economical.

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Nazca Avenue at 1700

As you ascend in height, the values tend to increase approximately between 3% and 5%, according to experts.

As advice for those considering purchasing a property on an avenue, it is essential to look at the surrounding environment.

“It is important to assess whether there is a building under construction next door and whether it is in the early stages of development, as this could mean noise for a year or two while the works last. We recommend buyers carefully examine the place before making a purchasing decision,” concluded Pinus.


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