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Apparently there aren't some new rules coming (on top of existing bank credit cards reporting) that require organizations to send info about customers who have monthly bills above 2000 pesos (countries, health ins., private schools, building expenses) so AFIP can check if income is being declared.

Anyone experience this yet? Both from perm. residence or perm. tourist perspective.

From what I understand, in the case of consorcios, the administrator has to give this info to AFIP and in the case of school fees, the schools has to report this to AFIP, not the individual unit owner or student's family who are paying these fees. AFIP is now requiring that this info be furnished to them monthly. However there was a similar rule put in place by AFIP regariding reporting, it was challenged in court and AFIP lost as it was deemed unconstitutional. I think there is a legal complaint being presented regarding this as well, we will wait and see if it sticks or not.......
Most locals already stopped using their credit card for large purchases. I have a local friend that was charging big amounts and getting miles. I guess he would buy items on his credit card anytime one of his friends/family needed something and they would give him the cash so he could get miles/points.

Well he got a notice from AFIP that he had to go appear at some meeting. The wise locals just pay everything with cash to avoid problems.
Most locals already stopped using their credit card for large purchases. I have a local friend that was charging big amounts and getting miles. I guess he would buy items on his credit card anytime one of his friends/family needed something and they would give him the cash so he could get miles/points.

Well he got a notice from AFIP that he had to go appear at some meeting. The wise locals just pay everything with cash to avoid problems.
What about foreign credit cards? I guess it would depend on whether they are getting the transaction information from this side (the POS - point of sale device) or the other side (credit card and fx exchange). Anyone know this? If they're getting all the info from this side, maybe it's time to stop using the card and start paying in cash like the locals...

Really it's illogical that they would pursue foreigners since we are giving them their BS exchange rate on all purchases by using our cards and also we're paying 21% VAT on all purchases thereby helping their economy...
It only the local credit card, they don't care about foreing credit cards, and in the local credit card is more to scare people that is avoiding paying taxs than other thing, but they are not really checking every spend you do above 2000 ;)
Still is better to take precaution if you are using a local credit card and you spend muchhhh more than what you earn, if this is not the case then just don't worry about
What about foreign credit cards? I guess it would depend on whether they are getting the transaction information from this side (the POS - point of sale device) or the other side (credit card and fx exchange). Anyone know this? If they're getting all the info from this side, maybe it's time to stop using the card and start paying in cash like the locals...

Really it's illogical that they would pursue foreigners since we are giving them their BS exchange rate on all purchases by using our cards and also we're paying 21% VAT on all purchases thereby helping their economy...
I think it's only the local credit cards but I'm not sure. Up until a few months ago (before the spread between the white/blue rate got so high) I was just charging my in-laws OSDE payments to my credit card from the UK. I am paying their premiums for them.

Well I stopped not only because of the spread but I figured that with as crazy as things are in Argentina, it's only a matter of time before AFIP probably requests any amount over $X to be reported.

Also, don't ask what is "logical" because AFIP is NOT logical and very few things they do are what I'd consider "logical". CFK is NOT a logical person and the way Argentina works is NOT "logical".

The safest way for large purchases I'd say is going to be cash. Its a pain and lines can be long to pay bills that way but I think that's the safest method for now.

Also, it's not even a matter of cheating taxes. As I pay taxes in Argentina. The hassle is getting any notices from AFIP to go appear. I've had to do that before and it's NOT fun.