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Apartment Rental AFIP will enable a new provision so that some self-employed workers, who only invoice rentals, stop paying the tax - La Nacion Propiedades


AFIP will enable a new provision so that some self-employed workers, who only invoice rentals, stop paying the tax - La Nacion Propiedades


August 01, 2024

By Fernando Torres Ullmer


The benefit for owners who rent out their apartments is in effect but the AFIP has yet to enable itshutterstock

Monotributistas who only invoice property rentals will receive a new tax benefit . Although it should be in force from the end of 2023, last week the Executive Branch regulated it , but the Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP) still needs to enable the service on the website in the coming days.

What does this benefit consist of? The person who joins the single tax whose only activity in it is the rental of properties of up to two units with certain conditions : will receive the benefit of being exempt from the tax .

“Law 27737 exempted from the tax quota the self-employed who exclusively carry out this activity; who have up to two units; and whose contracts, if applicable, are duly registered with the AFIP . It should be noted that the social security and social security contributions were no longer paid,” explains Sebastián M. Domínguez, CEO of SDC Tax Advisors. “In short, it will be possible to join the self-employed tax without having to pay anything,” summarizes the specialist consulted by LA NACION .


To be exempt from taxes as an owner, you must be a self-employed person and meet certain requirements.Daenin - Shutterstock

On the other hand, there is the issue of the Gross Income exemption , which depends on the jurisdiction in which the property is located. So, in a concrete example , in CABA a person does not pay that tax if what he receives for the rent of each unit - there cannot be more than two - is less than $ 500,100 (gross monthly income). This implies that if the owner does not have more than two units for rent and also the rent he charges is up to $ 500,100 (for each one), he does not pay a flat tax, nor Gross Income, nor Profits, nor VAT. "What may correspond is Personal Property, but there is a non-taxable minimum of $ 100 million for 2023, which must be updated for 2024," Domínguez explains.

Now, what happens if the rent received by the owner exceeds $500,100? In that case, he would pay Gross Income Tax.

In summary , for a person to be exempt from the tax component of the single tax for the rental of housing, they must comply with the following :

  • Own up to two housing units intended for rent
  • You must have a contract registered with AFIP (if applicable)
  • That the activity of renting real estate is the exclusive activity within the single tax

On the other hand, the specialist describes that there may be certain opportunities in the hand of the disclosure of capital. “This treatment that is discussed is another incentive to launder up to US$100,000 in cash and invest in a property . In addition, if the taxpayer added that acquired property to the Special Regime for payments of the Tax on Personal Property (REIBP), what may happen is that in the coming years he will not have to pay Personal Property taxes directly . Finally, in this case, even if they exceed the updated $100 million of Personal Property, this tax would not apply either. Therefore, the person would have a tax-free income ,” concluded Domínguez.
