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Politics After his speech at Stanford, Javier Milei met in California with Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google - Infobae

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After his speech at Stanford, Javier Milei met in California with Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google - Infobae​



May 29, 2024

During the meeting at the technology company's headquarters, the president explained his strategy to transform Argentina into a hub linked to innovation and artificial intelligence. He will later meet Timothy Cook, CEO of Apple.

By Romanian Lejtman

Javier Milei with the CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai, the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, the ambassador to the United States, Gerardo Werthein, the head of the Council of Economic Advisors, Demian Reibel, and the Argentine entrepreneur Martín Varsavsky
(From Washington, United States) After his academic exposure at Stanford University, Javier Milei met Sundar Pichai , CEO of Google . The meeting with Pichai took place at Google's headquarters in Mountain Blue -California-, and the president took advantage of the opportunity to offer Argentina as a hub of technological innovation. Next, the Google CEO reiterated his commitment to supporting the country's digital transformation.

Milei arrived at Google accompanied by the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo , the ambassador to the United States, Gerardo Werthein and the head of the Council of Economic Advisors, Demian Reibel . The Argentine entrepreneur Martín Varsavsky joined the conclave .

When mid-afternoon in San Francisco (there is a four-hour difference with Argentina), Milei will meet with Timothy Cook, CEO of Apple.

The president, as he already did with Sam Altman and Pichai, will offer Cook the possibility of investing in Argentina to establish a technological HUB that would allow Apple to get out of the corset of the legislation that has already been approved in Europe and that is currently considering the White House and the Capitol.

Earlier, Milei spoke for fifty minutes at Stanford University 's Hoover Institute on capitalism, monopoly regulation , and their impact on economic growth. At the exhibition, the president praised the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, who attended the open class. “ He made the biggest adjustment in the history of humanity,” Milei said before the students who began to applaud.

When he entered the university auditorium, Milei was intercepted by a handful of Argentine students who attend Stanford. The president agreed to take a handful of selfies with them.

Milei took selfies with the Argentine students who study at Stanford
The president was accompanied by Condolezza Rice , director of the Hoover Institution, and former National Security Advisor and former Secretary of State under President George Bush (h) .

“His class was a luxury. “I hope she can return,” the academic director invited the head of state.

- I come back and teach a class on innovation and economic growth - Milei replied.

And he added: “I wait for you in Argentina , it will be an honor to receive you.”

-I haven't been in a long time. ..-, Rice closed, delighted with the invitation.

Javier Milei, Condolezza Rice and Gerardo Werthein during the meeting they held at Stanford University

In addition to Caputo, in the auditorium were the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei , the head of the Council of Economic Advisors, Demian Reibel, and Gerardo Werthein , ambassador to the United States. The president confirmed in his academic talk that he will write a book with Reidel on innovation and growth.

Milei's class at Stanford's Hoover Institute - a prestigious Ivy League university - was based on her speech at Florida International University (FIU) and her presentation at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). , where he presented his views on neoclassical theory , market failures and the economic impact of monopolies.

Javier Milei's handwritten notes that he used at Stanford

“There is a historical mechanism called price and it works as a signal transmission. The agents coordinate, some will be buyers, others will be sellers. And in the face of market demands and divergences, there will be adjustments. The price system is a mechanism for the transmission of information, coordination and adjustment. The event is triggered by the exchange of property rights. Therefore, when the State appears and intervenes, what the State is doing is interfering in the right to property. And by intervening in the right of property, the signal begins to have noise,” Milei pointed out in his class.

And he added: “And the more intervention there is, the more violence and property rights are violated, the signal that is transmitted becomes worse and worse. At the limit, in real socialism and private property, there is no price system and the system collapses. Therefore, in all places where socialism was applied it was an economic, social and cultural failure. And furthermore, as the violence of politicians exacerbates, they have ended up murdering 150 million human beings.”

Milei during her exhibition at Stanford

This line of argument that Milei posed to the Stanford students means recognizing a central concern of tech CEOs who are changing the world through technology and AI.

In Silicon Valley there is a lot of apprehension about possible regulations on businesses linked to artificial intelligence and new technologies, and the head of state tries to take advantage of the opportunity to explain that Argentina can be a HUB that collects the investments of the large tech companies that they fear. strong legal regulations.


This is what he already did with Altman and Pichai, and he plans to repeat this afternoon with Cook and tomorrow with Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta.

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