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Politics After his trip to Israel, Javier Milei arrived in Rome to meet with Pope Francis.


The head of state landed in the Italian capital at 10:30 am Argentine time. On Sunday he will participate in the canonization ceremony of Mama Antula and then will meet alone with the Holy Father on Monday at the Library of the Apostolic Palace.

President Javier Milei arrived today in Italy from Israel to meet with Pope Francis. Before arriving in Rome, he prayed and danced in front of the Wailing Wall and visited the Holy Sepulcher. Accompanied by his sister, he landed in Rome as part of his tour of the Middle East and Europe before returning to Buenos Aires, where political differences between the Casa Rosada and the opposition are on the rise.

The Head of State will be accompanied by several officials on his visit to the San Damaso Courtyard of the Apostolic Palace, including Foreign Minister Diana Mondino, Human Capital Minister Sandra Petovello, Interior Minister Guillermo Francos, Secretary General of the Presidency Karina Milei, future Secretary of Worship Francisco Sanchez, and Rabbi Axel Wahnish, Ambassador-designate to Israel.

This official delegation highlights three political situations: the absence of an ambassador to the Holy See, the inclusion of the ambassador to Israel, a fact that surprises the Vatican, and the presentation of the Secretary of Worship, Francisco Sanchez, who has expressed controversial opinions about the Pope.

Milei's visit to the Pope follows a ritual similar to that of other presidents, where Francis listens attentively to the government's program and the expectations of the president, without making value judgments. Milei is aware of the historical importance of this meeting and seeks to establish a close personal and political relationship.

During his stay in Italy, the president will reside at the Argentine embassy, while his entourage will stay at a nearby hotel. A curiosity is that Milei will occupy the same room that Evita used during her trip to Europe in 1947.