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Politics After Milei's statements at the liberal dinner, the Government stated: “The chainsaw is eternal, it has no end” - Infobae

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After Milei's statements at the liberal dinner, the Government stated: “The chainsaw is eternal, it has no end” - Infobae​



April 25, 2024

Spokesman Manuel Adorni affirmed that the economic plan is part of the Executive's “philosophy.” In addition, he assured that the data shows that “stability is on the way.”

Manuel Adorni: "If the Argentines consider it that way, it will be a chainsaw for 8 years"
After President Javier Milei attended the Libertad Foundation dinner, where he ratified the adjustment program being carried out by the Executive Branch, spokesperson Manuel Adorni assured today that “the chainsaw is eternal, it has no end” and that it will last as long as that the mandate of the libertarian leader lasts.

“The chainsaw is eternal, there is no end to the chainsaw. It's forever. The path we are traveling has just begun,” said the official in his usual press conference from the Casa Rosada.

Adorni admitted that “there was a much stronger shock in terms of cost reduction due to the circumstances we encountered on December 10,” but stated that the plan will not change for the future, and even dared to talk about the hypothesis of a second term for Milei: “The chainsaw is part of the philosophy of this Government. It is that the weight of the State is increasingly less and that the pockets of Argentines suffer less from the presence of the State. We are going to talk about a chainsaw today, in four years, and if God wants it and the Argentines consider it, it will be a chainsaw for 8 years. It will always be like this, you will hear a lot about chainsaws.”

Yesterday, Javier Milei closed the dinner at the Libertad Foundation, where he met again with Mauricio Macri. There, in a long and strong speech, in which he defended his economic program, he had a separate paragraph dedicated to the chainsaw: “The bunch of screwers said 'it's very little chainsaw and a lot of blender.' Ask what happened to discretionary transfers and intermediaries. Most of the adjustment is chainsaw,” he stated. Furthermore, he stated that “sometimes the blender, if it becomes permanent, is also a chainsaw. It is a matter of time, until we finish stabilizing ,” he stressed.

Adorni also stated today that the economic plan is “sustainable over time” and reiterated that the members of the Government are not improvised. “ We do not make decisions that are not sustainable over time. We are not improvised and everything we do we do knowing that what we do is sustainable over time. In the case of the surplus, it is not only sustainable, but it is the beginning of what we are doing,” he said.

In that sense, he stated that the surplus “is not an isolated issue, it is the fundamental piece of a lot of other issues that includes growth, more cuts, which at some point will imply changes in the Argentine tax system as we know it. ”.

President Javier Milei at the Libertaria 2024 Foundation dinner
“They are parts of a policy that is much broader. The sustainability of the surplus is much broader . Our ultimate goal is drastic lowering of taxes. “It is much broader than cutting a budget item,” he added.

The spokesperson also linked the economic outlook in his definition of the start of the committee debate on the new Bases Law project, which begins today in the Chamber of Deputies. Thus, he mentioned a series of data that, according to him, give indications that one of the worst stages in Argentine history is slowly coming to an end."

In this regard, he stated that "with stability on track, or what we understand to be seriously heading, our priority is to recover economic activity and release productive forces."

Among the economic data that he highlighted, Adorni mentioned reports from consulting firms that speak of a sharp drop in core inflation, which indicate that in some sectors there is “deflation.” According to him, these consulting firms “ based on predictions indicating that April inflation would be around single digits.”

Message to the deputies for the Bases Law​

Adorni also referred to the new draft Base Law, which began its debate in committee this Thursday and the Government hopes to bring it to the floor next week. In this regard, the spokesperson said that " there are a lot of points that are on the way to returning freedom to Argentines and releasing productive forces and recovering economic activity more quickly."

“The presidential term can last four years. If it goes well, that period can be extended by 8 years. But it is of little importance when one talks about ideas, because the procedures pass and what remains are the ideas. The Government of President Milei is one that will surely remain in the history books for having laid the foundations of development for an Argentina different from the one we knew until now, a decidedly decadent Argentina. I hope today is the beginning of a long story ahead

Likewise, he defended another of the phrases that were discussed after Milei's presentation last night at the Libertad Foundation: “ Throw away the Bases Law, we are going to achieve everything despite politics ,” said the president.

The phrase is not new, it is simply reaffirming that with politics or without politics, we are going to move forward trying to achieve the objectives we set for ourselves and for which the people elected us. That will always be the case in what remains of our management. If politics accompanies us, much better. And if it doesn't happen, our mission is to move forward.