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Politics After the incidents, the picketers regroup forces and prepare a new march to Congress - Infobae


After the incidents, the picketers regroup forces and prepare a new march to Congress - Infobae


February 01, 2024

Left-wing parties and neighborhood assemblies will also mobilize against the Omnibus Law that is being debated in Deputies. In addition, they will demonstrate at the Casa de Mendoza for the arrest of a leader of the Polo Obrero of that province

By Andres Klipphan

Picketers and federal forces clashed when the Anti-Picket Protocol was activated (Gustavo Gavotti)

After an intense day in front of Congress, where groups of left-wing protesters faced an imposing deployment of federal forces that were trying to enforce the Anti-Picket Protocol - it was only half fulfilled - the leaders of the Polo Obrero and other social organizations regrouped forces and they announce a new massive mobilization against the Omnibus Law .

Unidad Piquetera, neighborhood assemblies and political parties such as the MST in the Frente de Izquierda Unidad and the Partido Obrero, planned to camp while the deputies continued with the debate on the megaproject sent by the Executive Branch. However, the fourth interlude planned between the ruling party and the dialogue blocks until today at 12 o'clock modified the plans of the leaders who ordered them to demobilize from the area and march again this Thursday in front of Congress.

Yesterday afternoon, and unlike what happened earlier, the picketers and the federal forces, who responded to the orders of the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich , faced each other face to face. There was pushing, pepper spray, scenes of boxing, detainees and the massive deployment of uniformed officers - there were more than a thousand -, five fire-hydrant trucks, special groups of the Gendarmerie, the Federal Police and the Prefecture.

Eduardo Belliboni, leader of Polo Obrero, confronted federal forces and reported attacks and beatings (Gustavo Gavotti)

“We had to endure the repressive provocation of the federal forces who advanced with shovels, with fire hydrant trucks and spraying the protesters with pepper spray, they even hit me on the ground when I fell,” explained Eduardo Belliboni . The leader of the Polo Obrero added: “Despite that action, under the order of Bullrich and his illegal Anti-Picket Protocol, they failed to intimidate us .”

As night fell, the uniformed officers once again clashed with a group of protesters who were trying to block the intersection of Avenida Rivadavia and Callao. Among others, Víctor Dávila , leader of the Polo Obrero (PO) of Mendoza and former provincial senator, was arrested. For this reason, tomorrow afternoon several PO columns will demonstrate in front of the Casa de Mendoza, located a few blocks from the national parliament. Shortly after, at 6:00 p.m., they will do an “open radio.”

From 11 in the morning, the first leftist columns, headed by the MST, are expected to gather in Plaza Congreso next to “independent multisectoral spaces” such as “social, neighborhood, socio-environmental, cultural, and combative union forces.” .

Yesterday's picket march, and the subsequent repressive scenes that took place to prevent hundreds of demonstrators protesting against the Government of Javier Milei from interrupting traffic in some arteries of downtown Buenos Aires, resulted in organizations that had not called for the march to do so. did after the incidents, which worsened the tension.

Throughout the day, incidents were recorded between the federal forces and the picketers (Gustavo Gavotti)

Juan Grabois , former presidential candidate for Unión por la Patria and leader of the Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE) and the Frente Patria Grande, called to mobilize his supporters.

“In the face of the disproportionate intimidation of peacefully mobilized citizens and the obscene subjugation of the Constitution, we call from Argentina Humana to exercise non-violent resistance. Let it be clear: we are not afraid . We will meet at 9 p.m. in Hipólito Yrigoyen and Solís,” the lawyer published on his social networks.

Also in the early hours of the night, a compact column made up of leaders and militants of ATE and the CTA, entered Entre Ríos Street. The Government's resolution to prevent the cutting of that artery, at the intersection with Rivadavia Avenue, once again tense the situation and led to new confrontations.

Left-wing deputy Myriam Bregman left the premises to show solidarity with the militants attacked by the police (Gustavo Gavotti)

The four intermediate votes voted on the premises determined that the largest columns were to withdraw in an orderly manner. However, there were groups of people who had arrived outside the political structures and picketers who once again confronted the uniformed men. The main arrests were made at that time. After 10 p.m., the deputies had already left the premises in a hurry to avoid clashes. The left-wing parliamentarians, Myriam Bregman and Nicolás del Caño , who did not agree with the intermediate four, like the legislators of Unión por la Patria, stood in front of the columns that had been surrounded by troops from the three federal forces. .

Today will be the second round of a fight that for now has no winners , since, despite different reports from the Executive Branch, several blocks of Rivadavia Avenue, in the direction of the Casa Rosada, could not be evacuated and the traffic was completely interrupted .

The picketers, on the other hand, did not manage to reach the Legislative Palace - as was their intention -, fenced off since dawn, and their political partners did not manage to impose the number to prevent the Omnibus Law from being discussed. They also did not manage to get the CGT to mobilize during the treatment of the megabill and call for a general strike.

The left-wing leaders warned that they will continue to mobilize Congress until the Omnibus Law is voted on or rejected completely, as is their objective.