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Politics After the scandal, the Government made official the non-renewal of the contract with Nación Seguros - Infobae


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After the scandal, the Government made official the non-renewal of the contract with Nación Seguros - Infobae​



March 06, 2024

The agreement expired on March 2, but the Executive had already announced that they would suspend services with the company. Now, those who have taken ANSES credits will be incorporated into a new scheme

Nación Seguros was the one who granted the necessary policies to access ANSES credit lines

In the midst of the scandal that led to a case against former President Alberto Fernández , the national government made official the non-renewal of the contract with Nación Seguros . In this way, those who have taken ANSES credits will be incorporated into a Risk of Death Self-Financing scheme .

Through resolution 42/2024, the national Executive ordered that Nación Seguros no longer intervene in the insurance that retirees contracted to take out a loan from the ANSES, since it was discovered that within the pension organization there was a business of 20 billion pesos annually and 300 million in monthly commissions, with insurance and those of intermediaries. Although the contract expired on March 2, the ruling party had already announced that they would suspend the services of the State company.

In this context, the Government established “to incorporate into the Death Risk Self-financing scheme of the credit takers of the 'CREDITS ANSES' Program, in the terms of subsections m) and n) of article 74 of Law No. 24,241, to credits granted as of March 3, 2022 in all loan lines.”

In accordance with the regulations, the Executive ordered: “To provide that the last month of payment of the premiums to be paid to Nación Seguros SA for the lines of credit of holders of a benefit granted by ANSES, corresponds to the fees collected in the pension settlement of the month of February 2024″.

Former President Alberto Fernández accumulates two charges against him for this reason (EFE/Lenin Nolly)

In addition, the coverage of the entire accident rate of those workers in a dependency relationship who have taken out a credit line will also be within the Death Risk Self-Financing scheme.

The million-dollar businesses behind these State policies, in which some brokers were involved, came to light after the publication of an article by Clarín 's deputy general editor , Ricardo Rosa, in which irregularities linked to the intermediaries were detected. . Quickly, the spotlight fell on Fernández, not only because it was a decision that was made during his mandate, but also because it was an area that he knows in depth and because of the ties he maintains with two people who were key in that scheme: Alberto Pagliano , a close friend of the former president and head of Nación Seguros during the previous administration, and Héctor Martínez Sosa , one of the beneficiary brokers who is married to Fernández's secretary.

From this publication, the first complaint was filed, by prosecutor Ramiro González , who charged Fernández and Pagliano. Then, the former president added another accusation against him within the framework of the complaint presented by the national government last Thursday.

Regarding the scandal, the former head of ANSES, Osvaldo Giordano , explained in a dialogue with Infobae that the pension organization “gives loans to retirees and there is a risk that the borrower of that credit will die and the recovery for that debt will be lost. This risk was managed under what is technically called self-insurance: a discount is made to all the installments of all the credits and with that the losses or losses generated by retirees who die are covered.

However, this changed during Fernández's administration. “It was decided that there would be no more self-insurance, it had to be insurance and it had to be one contracted with Nación Seguros. When we arrived, a significant payment figure to Nación Seguros appeared. The number was scary, because in November it was 1,700,000,000 pesos,” he clarified later. That is to say, what happened is that Nación Seguro was the one who provided the insurance, but through a broker, whose commissions were above the market in the policies that were obliged to contract organizations that depended on the central administration during the previous government. .


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