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Newcomer AI-generated avatar/profile icon "Craiyon"


Well-known member
Hey friends, i was trying to replace my profile icon here with the same one i was using in the old forum, and i stumbled upon this site to use Artificial Intelligence/AI to generate fun icons:

i have previously tried ChatGPT with "eh" results, and i'm on the waiting list for Twitter/X's "Grok" AI service, but the Craiyon site was super easy! can generate like 3 free images before seeing an advertisement/subscription. hope someone else enjoys the site! not sure if this is the right forum section for this. and lastly, this ExpatsBA.com site is WAYYY faster, less-buggy, and seems uncensored compared to the old BAExpats.org site that kept disappointing me in 2023. good work to the developer/team!
Wow cool! I will play around with it. What do you mean the old forum? Is there another forum? What is that forum?
i'm not sure if you can see my whole message, or if links get hidden (none of the links I see are hidden), but my post said "seems uncensored compared to the old BAExpats.org site" - it's a really slow forum that started blocking certain types of posts (political, mostly). I deleted my account once I found this ExpatsBA.com forum, which is super fast, without all the bugginess of the other one.
i'm not sure if you can see my whole message, or if links get hidden (none of the links I see are hidden), but my post said "seems uncensored compared to the old BAExpats.org site" - it's a really slow forum that started blocking certain types of posts (political, mostly). I deleted my account once I found this ExpatsBA.com forum, which is super fast, without all the bugginess of the other one.
Oh my bad! I didn't scroll down all the way. Yes, I see your post. Ok, now it makes sense. I read the owner of this forum was posting over a decade on another website. Now I understand. Thanks for explaining. He also said he left in protest for the owner deleting his and other members posts. I just looked at the other forum and it seems to be around a long time.

It has many new members but that website looks like it's from the 1990's! Very old fashioned. And if the owner is moderating posts he doesn't like then it sounds like a horrible forum. I just looked on Twitter and people were also complaining of deleted posts. This goes back years.

I would estimate that all those users will migrate over here once they know about it. We as an expat community need to spread the word. This is one of the best forums I've seen with format, clean and modern and search capability. As more members come it will be much better.

Thanks for explaining StatusNomadicus. Everyone is so friendly on this site.
Wow cool! I will play around with it. What do you mean the old forum? Is there another forum? What is that forum?
Yes, long story short, I posted on www.BAExpats.org for 13.5 years. I never gave my identify. I never solicited business or even posted about my company. I only told of all my experiences owning many companies in Buenos Aires. I just wanted to share knowledge.

Then the owner of that website started getting creepy and weird. He started deleting my posts which had nothing to do with politics. I warned him if he kept doing it, I'd stop participating on his forum. And then I just decided to set up my own forum where we don't delete posts unless it clearly violates the terms and conditions or disrupts the forum.

My forum is a better way. I just need to market a bit but I'm still fine tuning the website and perfecting it. I want to get it faster and the tagging system refined. But I have over 1,500 posts from that forum and I'm going to bring all of them over to this forum eventually. Users from that forum are finding themselves over to my forum and I'm getting permission to add all their posts here to my forum too. THEY own their own content and nothing the owner can do to stop them.

His own stupidity will be his downfall.
if you were a member

i'd pay much more than 1.500 ARS for your info :p
Oops! Good catch. I meant posts. I just fixed it. Thanks! I'm actually glad that the owner deleted posts and acted weird. I never dreamed of starting my own forum on the internet. Building this is a great learning experience and it's great to see a community building so quickly.