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Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

I Love Mate

Add wife beater to the long list of miserable things that this ex President did.

Apparently, there is evidence supporting this claim. During the investigation into the insurance case, chats between the ex-wife and Alberto Fernández's secretary were found, which allegedly show the violence committed by the former president.

There should be a special place in hell for men that beat women up. I was in an abusive relationship for years. Thank God I got out of it but it is very traumatizing. I hope his wife gets out of that relationship.
Very much agree with you @RN in BA. His ex-wife confirmed that he used to beat her. And to think the Ministry of Women wouldn't help her. Very glad they are gone.

Is not uncommon within Peronism / Kirchnerism, it's full of rapists, beaters and corrupted politicians.
Very true. I have heard so many horror stories where the corrupt politicians are protected by the police they pay off.

It sounds like they are going through a divorce or will be soon. This can only help her.

He’s facing serious issues, with too much evidence, photos, chats, and a report from his ex-wife. Today, 39 lawmakers introduced a bill for the Chamber to address the domestic violence allegations. Everyone has turned their back on him.

It was revealed that over the weekend, Alberto Fernández said goodbye to his loved ones and threatened to commit suicide. Excuse me, but someone who warns doesn't actually commit suicide; this is just theater.

I don't think anyone will shed too many tears if he does. Probably would be a relieve to CFK and their party too. He probably knows a lot of secrets.
It looks like Alberto has a violent temper. Here he can be seen beating up someone in a restaurant in 2018. His poor wife. She must have gotten beat up so much.

What a jerk. You can see his anger. I heard he was also an alcoholic so he probably raged. In that video above it looks like this man was some acquaintance or colleague and you can see he was hesitant to talk but looked like he had to discuss some business. Any man that hits a woman should be behind bars for a long time.