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Politics Alberto Fernández spoke about the cases against the piquetero organizations: “Ours was not a government of corrupt people” - Infobae

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Alberto Fernández spoke about the cases against the piquetero organizations: “Ours was not a government of corrupt people” - Infobae​



May 21, 2024

The former president assured that during his administration audits were carried out with the social plans and that more than 100 thousand beneficiaries were discharged. He also defended the case regarding insurance payments

Alberto Fernández defended himself against the judicial cases that investigate actions of his Government. Photo: Europa Press/Contact/JONAS ROOSENS

In the midst of his criticism of Javier Milei for the diplomatic conflict with Spain, former president Alberto Fernández distanced himself from the judicial cases that involve his management, particularly that of insurance and irregularities with social plans and with picketing organizations, and assured that his was not a corrupt Government.

During an extensive interview on Radio 10, the former president was asked if he feared that the Government would launch legal cases against him amid the difficulties that La Rosada is going through: “ I am living it with the antics they are doing with insurance,” he stated. .

Regarding that case, Fernández stated that what he did was “end an antics by the Government of Mauricio Macri” regarding the contracting of insurance to private companies.

“What I did was say 'this is over' and that the contracts are contracted directly with Nación Seguros. That meant that Banco Nación received 50 billion pesos last year through insurance premiums. It was an economic policy measure so that the State's money remained in the State to make public policies . For example, when the drought came and the farmers needed soft loans to get ahead, Banco Nación did that. No private bank did it,” he said.

Alberto Fernández is accused in the case that investigates the scandal due to the contracting scheme by the national State to Nación Seguros , in which intermediaries and private companies would have acted. The complaint speaks of crimes of violation of the duties of a public official and abuse of authority and misappropriation of public funds.

The former president also referred to the judicial cases investigating the management of social plans and irregularities in the picketing organizations. There, he agreed with his former Ministers of Social Development Juan Zabaleta and Victoria Tolosa Paz about the audits they carried out, and assured that they canceled more than 100 thousand beneficiaries.

“This is just another nonsense. It's the game of saying again that we are a group of corrupt people. Ours was not a corrupt Government, it was not. If there was any official who did it, well, that could be it, I can't put my hands on the fire for more than 100 thousand employees that the national public administration has. But ours was not a corrupt Government and I will always continue to defend our honesty,” Fernández stressed.

“I am going to go to court accordingly and I am going to show that what they are saying is a lie. But it is the usual preaching. Nobody here wonders who paid for the kennels in Olivos, that the pool in Olivos was roofed or who paid the 17 thousand dollars that the President's stay at the Panamericano hotel cost in those months where he put his bunker and his home there. “No one wonders how this trip to Spain was paid for, or the trip to see Elon Musk twice, and we don't know why,” he added.

Piqueteros leaders and militants are investigated by the Federal Justice accused of extorting beneficiaries of social plans to participate in street demonstrations and sell to the public food and products distributed by programs executed by the former Ministry of Social Development. The actions arose from testimonies given by the victims to line 134 that the Government enabled.

New criticisms of Milei​

Alberto Fernández took the opportunity to question Javier Milei again about the unprecedented diplomatic conflict unleashed with Spain after the president's statements during a convention of the right-wing Vox party over the weekend.

“A little common sense, I ask the President to recover the common sense he has had, if he ever had it. This is too much and is putting Argentina at serious risk,” Fernández stated.

During the interview, the news came out that the Government of Spain decided to permanently withdraw ambassador María Jesús Alonso Jiménez, since “the situation has not changed,” according to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of that country, José Manuel Albares. “ It is the first time in history, it is incredible that we are fighting with Spain,” said Fernández.

In that sense, he said that “Pedro Sánchez was quite generous in expecting an apology,” although he assured that “the apology became a ridiculous, absurd fable, typical of a person who is not in his right mind, who says that this is an operation of Kirchnerism with Pedro Sánchez. “This is a crazy thing.”