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Politics Alberto Fernández's response to Javier Milei's accusations: “He needs psychological assistance promptly” - Infobae

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Alberto Fernández's response to Javier Milei's accusations: “He needs psychological assistance promptly” - Infobae​



May 21, 2024

The president blamed Kirchnerism for the conflict with Spain and accused his predecessor of being an “advisor” to Pedro Sánchez

Alberto Fernandez against Milei
Former president Alberto Fernández came out to respond to Javier Milei after the current president blamed him for being behind the diplomatic conflict that he is currently having with his counterpart from Spain, Pedro Sánchez .

Last night, during an interview on Todo Noticias (TN) , the libertarian leader spoke of the counterpoint with the Spanish Government after the strong statements against the wife of the socialist leader. “ Everything is coordinated with Kirchnerism ,” said Milei and pointed directly against Alberto Fernández as a piece in the alleged armed conflict. “He is an advisor to Sánchez.”

Archive photograph of the former president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández. EFE/Lenin Nolly

“The coward Sánchez got under the women's skirts, and ordered me to be attacked by the different women in his space. Given that one of his advisors is Alberto Fernández, you know how I saw it coming. I said: 'They are looking for this kind of provocation to accuse me of being a misogynist,' he excused himself.

“I'm going to make it very clear what is happening. What is happening in Spain is not independent of Kirchnerism. This situation is promoted with Kirchnerism, it is coordinated with Kirchnerism. It is very serious,” insisted the leader of La Libertad Avanza.

Immediately, Alberto Fernández responded through his account on the social network X.I am amazed . President Milei caused a major international political disaster in Spain and he attributes responsibility for the consequences of his actions to me,” he commented. “ Am I an advisor to Pedro Sánchez? The President needs psychological assistance promptly ,” he added.

Milei blamed Kirchnerism for the diplomatic conflict with Spain
“Seeing everything he says and listening to his arguments, we must recognize his enviable efficiency in doing everything wrong,” he concluded.

Along with the comment, he shared an ironic video about Milei's trip to Spain with a controversial mockery of the economist in which he included his pets: “Directed by Conan. Production, Murray; Address, Milton.”

Hours before, another episode had happened between the two regarding the conflict with the Spanish government. Milei shared a split image in her Instagram stories in which Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Fernández are seen as if they were the same person. A way to support the official story that aims to link the former president as the architect of the diplomatic counterpoint.

Fernández also chose to respond to that accusation through another post on X. “President Milei, although you dishonor the people and institutions of Spain, I am honored that you compare me with a democrat and defender of the rule of law, such as Pedro Sánchez. It would hurt me a lot if he showed me surrounded by Falangists and fascists ,” commented the former head of state.

In addition to calling Sánchez a “coward,” Milei reiterated this Monday that he will not apologize “under any point of view”: “How am I going to apologize to him, if I was the one attacked?” And she highlighted that his participation in the last tour showed that he is “ the greatest exponent of freedom, whoever likes it.”

According to the Argentine president himself, he is “in another league” and that “irritates” the opponents. “It shows the insignificance of silver politicians, how stupid they are, how little reach they have,” he lashed out at “the caste.” “Where I go I generate an earthquake, envy? “They would love to be where I am,” he continued. When asked about his recent trip to Spain, he said that the talk with Vox “was impressive” and “very exciting”: “People started shouting freedom and that filled me with pride and satisfaction because we are going for the right fight.”

“Every time I go out I put Argentina at the center of the scene, but in a privileged place, that is why the most important businessmen want to talk to me,” he considered. In that sense, he highlighted that he met twice with Elon Musk, whom he defined as the "most important businessman on the planet." “What I am doing is taking Argentina to the world, because businessmen have already realized how disastrous the global elite is and those who have to do with the 2030 Agenda, with these well-mannered socialists who deep down "They end up destroying everything," he declared.