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Politics All provinces confirmed that they will go to the meeting with the national government in Casa Rosada - Infobae

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All provinces confirmed that they will go to the meeting with the national government in Casa Rosada - Infobae​



March 07, 2024

The last leaders to join were Axel Kicillof, Claudio Vidal and Ricardo Quintela who, if appropriate, will send the vice-governor

All governors confirmed their attendance

Looking ahead to the meeting of the national government with the governors, the complete list of those confirmed is finally available: all provinces will attend the meeting . The last to accept the call were Axel Kicillof (Buenos Aires), Claudio Vidal (Santa Cruz) and Ricardo Quintela (La Rioja) .

During his speech at the Opening of Sessions , the governor of the province of Buenos Aires repudiated, through chicanes, the call that Javier Milei issued to all the leaders in Congress, three days before. “After subjecting the people, democracy and federalism to an aggression that is as unprecedented as it is savage, an invitation is now being sent to us that is more like a threat or an imposition than a dialogue. It offers exactly what it claims to reject as a method of politics: pass the laws and you will receive the resources that were illegally cut. Our answer is very clear: count on us for 30 work meetings, for meetings aimed at solving problems, even for debates. But if it's about meetings for photos and marketing... Just start if we don't arrive," he said.

From his position, as for many opponents, Milei's invitation made no sense: it was an imposition; of a promise to, in exchange, obtain their support for the controversial Omnibus Law that was truncated. Furthermore, both Kicillof and his party claimed that the head of state was extorting those who run the different provinces.

Axel Kicillof criticized Milei's call

After the repercussions for his statements in Congress about the invitation, the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, came out to respond: “Normally, these jokes like the one he made in his speech do not help to generate a climate of dialogue . "We are in a difficult situation as a result of the successive governments that have led Argentina to this situation." Likewise, he accused him of being one of the culprits and suggested that he be more “respectful,” in dialogue with journalist Marcelo Longobardi on Radio Rivadavia . Despite everything that happened , Axel Kicillof finally confirmed that he will be at the meeting on Friday at 3:00 p.m. at Casa Rosada.

In agreement, Claudio Vidal, the governor of Santa Cruz, and Ricardo Quintela, governor of La Rioja, also gave their confirmation, being the last - along with Kicillof - to do so. Thus, the list of attendees was finally complete.


Another of the governors who also assured his presence and who had not yet done so was Marcelo Orrego, from San Juan.

Although the 23 provinces plus the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires will appear at the meeting, not all the leaders will be there: some will send their vice governors. This will happen in the cases of Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza), Gildo Insfrán (Formosa) and Ricardo Quintela (La Rioja).

Those who had previously contested were Sergio Ziliotto (La Pampa), Gustavo Valdes (Corrientes), Maximilian Pullaro (Santa Fe), Jorge Macri (CABA), Gustavo Saenz (Salta); Leandro Zdero (Chaco) , Carlos Sadir (Jujuy), Osvaldo Jaldo (Tucuman), Raul Jalil (Catamarca), Martin Llaryora (Cordoba), Rogelio Frigerio (Entre Rios), Hugo Passalacqua (Misiones), Gustavo Melella (Tierra del Fuego). Claudio Poggi (St. Louis), Rolando Figueroa (Neuquen), Alberto Weretilneck (Black River), Gerardo Zamora (Santiago del Estero) and Ignacio Torres (Chubut).

The invitation was sent by email this Wednesday to all the governors by Francos, who clarified that he was doing so on the instructions of the President himself . According to what was learned, those who will lead the summit will be the Minister of the Interior and the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse . It is not yet known whether Javier Milei will attend: according to what the cabinet indicated, the president “would only stop by to say hello.” Another version that circulated was that the representatives of the provinces could be received at Casa Rosada by Santiago Caputo .

It is expected that in this expectant summit of officials, they will be able to debate the Omnibus Law , the fiscal package and perhaps, the May Pact .

The announcement of the call took place during the Opening of Sessions , on March 1. The President invited the governors to sign a new “founding pact” to reconstitute Argentina. As soon as he finished his speech in Congress, there were several accessions by different provincial leaders.