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Politics An entity that brings together private schools confirmed that the Government will assist students who cannot pay the fee - Infobae

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An entity that brings together private schools confirmed that the Government will assist students who cannot pay the fee - Infobae​



March 13, 2024

The executive secretary of the Coordinating Board of Associations for Private Education (COORDIEP) stated that they assured him of the implementation of the measure, but that “there was no talk of values or duration.”

An entity that brings together private schools affirmed that there will be an official program to assist students who cannot pay the fee

Norberto Baloira , executive secretary of the Coordinating Board of Associations for Private Education ( COORDIEP ), made reference today to what was announced yesterday by President Javier Milei , regarding the aid program for students from private schools. Although he confirmed the information about the measure, he assured that the values and duration of State assistance are not yet known.

“The news we have is that what they had communicated to us at the end of February continues to advance regarding the possibility of supporting families from schools with lower fees to be able to help in this economic situation. On Monday, in a small meeting, they told us that progress was being made, that it was being implemented through ANSES and that our schools had to be prepared, as it goes directly to the family, to increase the enrollment payroll that each school has. ”Baloira said.

“Within the State agencies, they and ANSES are working to put it into practice. The idea is to put it into practice, which is why the means are being sought to make it effective ,” added the COORDIEP representative.

FILE - Argentine President Javier Milei confirmed the implementation of a program to provide financing to children who study in the private sector (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko, File)

Yesterday, during an interview with journalist Chiche Gelblung on Crónica TV, Milei had stated that the plan was already working: “ We made a program to provide financing to children who study in the private sector and whose parents cannot pay the fee. Everything is working. They have to coordinate it with the school and the help is implemented from ANSES ,” she explained.

Today Baloira provided details about the private establishments that the national government's initiative would reach. “ It would be for levels that are between 80 and 100% of the State contribution, that is, for today's reference, they are schools that have fees of between 20 thousand and 30 thousand pesos , approximately. The school is going to take this into account, so that the parents can make it effective. Neither the amount nor the duration was discussed. To date, we do not know what the amount will be, nor what the duration will be : one month, two months or the number of months that this aid will accompany. There was no talk of values or duration ”, He assured.

It is worth clarifying that the parent interested in accessing the benefit must coordinate it with the school. Subsequently, the National State grants the subsidy through the National Social Security Administration (ANSES).

“We are convinced that this is going to be effective, based on what has been transmitted to us by the Ministry of Education , through what you have stated, Mr. President. It would be from April, because we are already in mid-March,” added the executive secretary of COORDIEP .

According to a UCA report, 26.8% of students in private secular schools are poor (Shutterstock)

On the report of private school students who are poor​

According to the latest report from the Social Debt Observatory (ODSA) of the Argentine Catholic University (UCA) , 26.8% of students in secular private schools are poor, while the figure rises to 33.9% among students from parochial or religious schools. In state-run institutions, the figure is more than double: 7 out of 10 students (71.6%) are poor.

“In general, they are those schools that are within these cheaper schools . There has been a shift towards many of these schools, because within our sector we have schools of different economic levels. Families who choose to continue within the private system look for schools that are within their reach. Without a doubt, the economic situation has hit and fundamentally those that have suffered the most are the kindergartens in initial schools. This already comes from the loss in the pandemic and, parallel to that, there is a demographic growth that is much lower than what we had 10 or 15 years ago. This has meant that there are fewer births and, consequently, there is less enrollment at those levels ,” explained Baloira.

And he revealed: “ Within schools without contributions, fees can reach over 500 thousand pesos . ” Each school has reached an agreement with families to be able to maintain their enrollment.”