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Politics ANSES accepted the waiver of privileged retirement presented by Javier Milei: what the letter says - Infobae

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ANSES accepted the waiver of privileged retirement presented by Javier Milei: what the letter says - Infobae​



June 06, 2024

The head of state presented a formal note informing him of his “unwavering decision” not to exercise “the right to privileged retirement granted by the lifetime monthly allowances regime.” The response of the organization's board of directors

Javier Mieli (Photo: Gustavo Gavotti)

President Javier Milei today presented a formal note to the ANSES authorities in which he reported his “unwavering decision” not to exercise “the right to privileged retirement granted by the lifetime monthly allowances regime.” The organization's board of directors accepted the request , according to a resolution signed by its owner, Mariano de los Heros, to which Infobae had access .

The President's letter established: “Milei, in my own right, I hereby come to express my unwavering decision that I will not exercise the right to privilege retirement granted by the regime of lifetime monthly allowances provided for in the first article of the Law No. 24,018 ″.

“The events that occurred yesterday in the Honorable Congress of the Nation show, once again, that our political class is more concerned with maintaining its delusional privileges than with working to reverse the model that has failed in the last century.” . “Having experienced for decades the dire consequences of unbridled public spending, it is imperative that political leaders lead by example and take concrete measures to contain the budget deficit,” the letter continues.

“Therefore, through this note I urge leaders to make the necessary sacrifices to guarantee the financial stability of the country. No politician is above the law and citizens. In this sense, I refuse to obtain a retirement under a regime that does not require minimum contributions or age and I submit to the general regime, as do all citizens. The commitment assumed by the heroic Argentine people to maintain the fiscal balance obtained is unprecedented and that effort must be shared by all,” he indicated.

Last night, through a statement released on the official social networks of the Presidency, they announced: “With the purpose of rectifying what happened in the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, and in line with the determination of the Executive Branch to dismantle the regulatory framework of political privileges, President Javier Milei will present to ANSES his decision not to exercise the right to privileged retirement . ”

“This Government has the mandate to rescue the country from the misery to which it has been relegated as a consequence of the fiscal irresponsibility of those who, paradoxically, proclaim to defend retirees while supporting multimillion-dollar privilege pensions,” they added.

In addition, they highlighted that "the President of the Nation has greatly demonstrated the willingness to cooperate with the political leadership by turning to the National Congress in search of the necessary tools to get out of the crisis, and proposing the May Pact to agree on Policies of State with all the actors of the economic and social life of Argentina.”

“This administration regrets that well-intentioned deputies participated in Máximo Kirchner's legislative trap, and reiterates its unwavering decision to maintain fiscal balance using all the tools provided by the National Constitution, including the veto, if necessary,” he added.

“To date, that good will has not been reciprocated by the majority of the leadership. "They have delayed the treatment of the Base Law, they have systematically attacked the national government, and every week they propose a new legislative agenda dedicated to hindering the economic program of this government," they added in the statement.

Furthermore, they denounced that “some actors want Argentina to continue on the same course that has condemned us to failure. That's not going to happen with this President. "Argentina has changed and the popular mandate will be defended with all the tools of the Executive Branch."