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Hi All
I see a post in FB about AFIP and the interior ministry thinking about annulling current Argentine passports and then you have to organise a new one, also if you want to leave the country you will have to hacer un trámite de salida integral
Maybe the road to Chavez is a distraction and were going to Cuba instead.
I previously would have said hearsay BS but given how crazy Cristina is......anything is possible!!!!
Not sure about annulling passports, but it looks like AFIP wants to get its hand on passenger lists of those who travel outside the country to see if they're evading taxes...

I doubt that Argentina would go THAT far to the level of annulling passports but with this crazy CFK you never know.

One thing I am fairly certain is that AFIP under the request of CFK will probably compile lists of locals with DNIs that constantly go in and out of Argentina.

I wouldn't be surprised to see her target these people and then hire a few people to do some due diligence to see if these people own assets in the country that they are going back and forth to (for instance the USA).

The scary thing is most Argentines don't even take the time or trouble to set up an LLC or other corporate entity to buy real estate in the USA and it's all public information.

So all CFK would have to do is look at Porteños that go back and forth to Miami all the time. Then just look up on public records if these people own real estate in the USA. It's all public information.

I know many Porteños that own real estate in Miami and Florida under their own names and they are NOT declaring it on their Argentina taxes at all or paying asset taxes on it which is required by law.

I think you will see more of this kind of thing happening moving forward.