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Any cool places for performances for modern music, dance or modern performance arts? Where can I find them?


Well-known member
Hi everyone. You all are so helpful with my other post on another matter. I am still considering Buenos Aires as it still seems cheaper than where I live. I live out on the boonies and I don't have much culture and want to get some culture in my life. My closest thing to watching art and music performances is watching MTV or VH1.

How would I be able to find some performances of modern arts stuff? My lease ends the next few weeks so I'm looking mainly at stuff for February and beyond.
Hi everyone. You all are so helpful with my other post on another matter. I am still considering Buenos Aires as it still seems cheaper than where I live. I live out on the boonies and I don't have much culture and want to get some culture in my life. My closest thing to watching art and music performances is watching MTV or VH1.

How would I be able to find some performances of modern arts stuff? My lease ends the next few weeks so I'm looking mainly at stuff for February and beyond.
This should be better than MTV or VH1. It's the contemporary ballet.

Here are a few cool places my local girlfriend goes to. She loves it.

This is from the city of Buenos Aires.

Here are a few cool places my local girlfriend goes to. She loves it.

This is from the city of Buenos Aires.

These are good but also check out this place in La Boca. It's called the Usiana del Arte. I think you'd really love it. I went a few years ago. I'm not sure if they started back up after COVID but worth checking out. It was in this old building that was renovated. It's cool.
Really enjoyed these 2 shows

Yes me as well. You have good taste @FuturoBA!
Here are a few cool places my local girlfriend goes to. She loves it.

This is from the city of Buenos Aires.

These very good. I go and enjoy. Good advice.