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Argentina and the IMF: Can This Marriage Be Saved?

It seems like a really toxic relationship. It seems like dollarization would be impossible under the IMF. I wonder how long Milei will keep saying he will do this? I don't really understand all the ins and outs of all of this. But I doubt the IMF would be ok with taking millions and just manipulating the exchange rate which it seems like that is what the Central Bank of Argentina is doing.
It seems like a really toxic relationship. It seems like dollarization would be impossible under the IMF. I wonder how long Milei will keep saying he will do this? I don't really understand all the ins and outs of all of this. But I doubt the IMF would be ok with taking millions and just manipulating the exchange rate which it seems like that is what the Central Bank of Argentina is doing.
Don't worry @Digital Nomad. Even the experts don't understand all of this or know how things will end up. Doubt the IMF would ever let Argentina dollarize the economy. At least not any time soon.
Argentina needs to just do all it can to get the IMF loan paid back and not take on any more debt with them.
This seems like a really dysfunctional relationship. I don't understand why they gave out billions to Massa to finance things and spending was out of control. Milei actually is making progress and they won't give more funds. Seems like the IMF prefers Peronists. Now I understand why most Argentines hate the IMF. They seem like bloodsuckers that want to keep Argentina dependent on them.
This seems like a really dysfunctional relationship. I don't understand why they gave out billions to Massa to finance things and spending was out of control. Milei actually is making progress and they won't give more funds. Seems like the IMF prefers Peronists. Now I understand why most Argentines hate the IMF. They seem like bloodsuckers that want to keep Argentina dependent on them.
It is a very dysfunctional relationship. But IMF is probably Argentina's only shot. No one else would dare bail Argentina out. Caputo looks like he had a good meeting with head of IMF. Maybe Caputo's sucking up of calling her the "best IMF Director ever" will help. :ROFLMAO:

IMF says unlikely to give fresh funds. Wants the Central Bank to build up reserves instead of trying to control exchange rate.

CFK came out today to speak against Milei.
