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Politics Argentina confronts Venezuela at the United Nations over Maduro's illegal decision against Aerolíneas flights - Infobae

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Argentina confronts Venezuela at the United Nations over Maduro's illegal decision against Aerolíneas flights - Infobae​



March 20, 2024

The Foreign Ministry will denounce today before the ICAO that the Caribbean dictator violated the Chicago Convention by prohibiting national ships from crossing Venezuelan airspace, in retaliation for Milei's decision to hand over the Emtrasur Boeing linked to the regime to the United States justice system. from Iran

By Romanian Lejtman

Javier Milei confronts Nicolás Maduro for his decision to prohibit national flights from passing through Venezuelan airspace

Today Javier Milei will deepen the diplomatic offensive against Nicolás Maduro for his arbitrary resolution to prohibit national flights over the airspace of Venezuela, following the decision of the Argentine government to hand over to the United States justice the Emtrasur plane that was linked to the terrorist regime from Iran.

The Argentine Foreign Ministry and the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs will clash in the International Aviation Organization (ICAO), a multilateral forum that belongs to the United Nations and that was created in 1944 to respect the basic rules of air cooperation established in the Convention of Chicago.

Maduro banned Aerolíneas flights over local territory in retaliation for Milei 's decision to allow the United States to hijack and scrap an Emtrasur Boeing 747 seized by the Argentine justice system due to its dark business relationship with terrorist forces operating under orders. of Tehran in the Middle East.

Given the diplomatic escalation carried out by the Venezuelan regime, the Foreign Ministry demanded that Maduro cancel his illegal position. But the Caribbean dictator decided to deepen the offensive and requested to present his case at the ICAO session that is deliberating today in Montreal (Canada).

On behalf of the national state, Consul General Gerardo Bompadre will respond to Venezuela that the delivery of the Emtrasur plane was a decision of the Judiciary that the Casa Rosada complied with without delay.

In turn, Consul Bompadre will explain to the ICAO that Caracas only prohibits flights from Argentina and that this unilateral decision violates the basic regulations of the Chicago Convention. “Maduro does not apply this measure even with the United States, and uses the hijacking of the Emtrasur plane to campaign for elections,” commented a key official at the San Martín Palace.

The Boeing 747 plane carrying five Iranian crew members linked to terrorist operations carried out by Iran in the Middle East

Bilateral relations between Argentina and Venezuela are at their most complex moment. Milei decided that there will be no ambassador in Caracas, and she will take advantage of all international arenas to denounce the Caribbean regime. The President shares the geopolitical perspective of the White House and considers that Maduro is a danger to the democratic stability of Latin America.

But Milei will do nothing to break diplomatic ties with Venezuela.
She instructed the Foreign Ministry on the political tone that Consul Bompadre's presentation should have today and - for now - will support the ways of Stella Lugo, Maduro's ambassador in Buenos Aires.

Lugo is a picture of the nomenclature of the Chavista regime and moves its pieces supported by the surviving factions of Unión por la Patria. The ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Ministry, she listened to Argentina's claims and returned to her official residence without answering a single proposal from Argentina.

“We were informed of a vile, criminal, outrageous act: at an airport in Miami, Florida, the vengeful, perverse gringo empire, with all its evil, proceeded to dismantle the Emtrasur plane, the Conviasa plane that had been kidnapped from us. “ Maduro said during a mobilization in Caracas.

The Venezuelan leader delayed the decision of the Argentine justice system due to his personal ties with Oscar Laborde , Argentine ambassador in Caracas during the administration of Alberto Fernández. Laborde was a communist leader who crossed over to Peronism to follow Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, and that political loyalty made him the country's representative in Venezuela.

With Milei's arrival at Balcarce 50 , the status quo imposed by Peronism was broken and the Ministry of Justice was ordered to deliver the Boeing 747 to the United States. The ICAO, ultimately, must order Maduro to suspend his decision to prohibit Aerolíneas Argentina flights over Venezuelan territory.