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Argentina Could Lead Global Returns in 5 Years, According to Explorador Capital

Finance Prof

Well-known member
This is very bullish. It seems like more and more people are talking about Argentina's potential. It will be great once they get rid of the capital controls here.

Doesn't sound like the capital controls will ever end. I think this is a big mistake but what do I know. Not letting a currency float freely is never a good idea.
Doesn't sound like the capital controls will ever end. I think this is a big mistake but what do I know. Not letting a currency float freely is never a good idea.
The foundations of the economy need to be fixed before removing the cepo and let the rate flow freely. When Macri removed the cepo at the beginning of his mandate things went downhill. I wish there was an "anti-cepo" law so future governments can't do this anymore.
The foundations of the economy need to be fixed before removing the cepo and let the rate flow freely. When Macri removed the cepo at the beginning of his mandate things went downhill. I wish there was an "anti-cepo" law so future governments can't do this anymore.
I will read articles like the one above and then read others. Judging by what President Milei said earlier this week they don't expect to remove currency controls until end of 2025 now. Just sounds like he inherited a complete nightmare scenario. I don't think it can be fixed too soon.