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Argentina's Milei pledges 'significant' tax cuts if congress approves reforms

I doubt he will ever get his reform package approved. He doesn't know how to deal with people. Has a small minority but isn't a people person. Let's see what happens int he Senate. The recession is going to get worse with all the unemployment.
I doubt he will ever get his reform package approved. He doesn't know how to deal with people. Has a small minority but isn't a people person. Let's see what happens int he Senate. The recession is going to get worse with all the unemployment.
It will go out sooner or later. Even some articles from the fiscal law were approved by Kirchneristas in the congress. The senate is getting tricky, they are trying to delay it but all the governors and the citizens in general want these laws to go out. If the opposition keeps putting obstacles then they will be the ones to blame and they don't want to pay the political cost.