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I am considering staying longer term in Argentina but I see that there is no double taxation treaty with the USA. Does anyone living here have experience with the tax situation for US citizens?
What taxes are you worried about? Do you have any assets here in Argentina? Rental income? In Argentina you will pay taxes on any assets you own (real estate, car, etc).

The reality is that Argentina really doesn't know what you own outside of Argentina. But post a bit more about what you're worried about and where you are making your income and others can post a bit more information.
Following this — has anyone here actually filed U.S. taxes for their Argentine income? If so, can you share about your experience?
Following this — has anyone here actually filed U.S. taxes for their Argentine income? If so, can you share about your experience?
Years a
Many years ago when I lived in Argentina, I did pay taxes here in Argentina and also the USA. I took advantage of the foreign income tax exclusion (https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/foreign-earned-income-exclusion#:~:text=However, you may qualify to,deduct certain foreign housing amounts.)

So the first $120,000 US or so was tax free in the USA of my Argentine income. Actually I also employed my wife so it was around $240,000 or so. It was a little less back then many years ago.

The only caveat is you have to stay out of the USA I think like 330 days of the year.