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Argentine Wine: 10 Frequently Asked Questions


Well-known member
I love ALL things wine. I always get asked questions about wine in Argentina. These are the questions I get asked the most. This blog has them all answered:


Although Argentina is a New World producer, wine has been made in the country since 1551, when the first Jesuit missionaries arrived from Spain. The early vineyards, planted to produce wine for religious services, were located in what is now Santiago de Estero, but they didn’t fare very well. By the 17th century, vineyards were being planted in the west of the country, in the foothills of the Andes. In the 19th century, winemaking became a prominent industry in the Cuyo region, mainly Mendoza and San Juan, and Argentine wines were being exported to neighbouring countries.

Thank you Vino. I didn't drink much wine before I moved here but every time I go to any locals they are always drinking it and I feel bad if I say no. Long story short, I'm a whino now! Don't know anything about it other than to know after a few glasses I get tipsy like like any other booze.. Ha.
Argentina has some of the best wines in the world and incredibly affordable compared to other countries.
I'm always amazed @Larry when I go home to NYC for the holidays how expensive wine is in restaurants there. It is difficult paying so much for wine after living in Argentina!
Here are some great Malbecs.

Here is also an article from La Nacion talking about some great Malbecs. Some less than 7,000 pesos.
