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Argentine woman arrested after taking her dog to be slaughtered

fetch rover

Well-known member
I was shocked to see this in the news. Is this sort of thing common in Argentina? I thought they were big dog lovers here. Is this just an oddball whack? Or common there???

I was shocked to see this in the news. Is this sort of thing common in Argentina? I thought they were big dog lovers here. Is this just an oddball whack? Or common there???

No that is NOT normal here. Never heard of anything like that here. Also President Milei is a huge dog lover so anyone abusing dogs are going to be in deep doggie doo.
The fact that she got arrested shows you this is not accepted here. I have never heard of anything like this in Argentina. Parts of Asia yes but not here. The lady seems so calm in her rationale.

Wow! Was shocked to read some of the comments. That poster is saying it's ok to kill dogs and eat them? He commented that some places still kill horses and eat them. Is this common?
The fact that she got arrested shows you this is not accepted here. I have never heard of anything like this in Argentina. Parts of Asia yes but not here. The lady seems so calm in her rationale.

I did not know Argentines exported horsemeat but Wiki says it does.

Thank you all for confirming eating dogs is NOT common in Argentina. I didn't know people ate horses. Shocking Argentina kills 200,000 horses a year to export them to other countries that do eat them. This shouldn't be a thing.