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Politics Artists, politicians and celebrities supported Lali Espósito after Javier Milei's criticism - Infobae


Artists, politicians and celebrities supported Lali Espósito after Javier Milei's criticism - Infobae



February 15, 2024

After the President questioned her for her performances in shows financed with public funds, different sectors publicly supported the popular singer.

Ricardo Mollo, Jorge Rial, Pablo Moyano, Martín Lousteau and Carolina Píparo, some of those who came out to support Lali Espósito

President Javier Milei's criticism of Lali Espósito for the popular singer's performances in publicly funded shows sparked immediate support for the artist from different sectors. Politicians, musicians, journalists and celebrities used social networks to reject the president's recent messages.

Last night, Milei gave an extensive interview on the LN+ channel in which she called the singer “Lali Depósito”, accused her of collecting “from various governments” and even assured that these expenses were financed with “the VAT that takes food from the poor kids of Chaco.” The criticism continued with several messages replicated and liked on her X account.

Even today, during an interview on Radio La Red , Milei redoubled his bet against the artist : “Who started this? I? She started . If you like peaches, ignore the fluff. Do you want to be handsome? Ask me to answer you. Can you attack me and I can't answer? "I'm not going to stay silent ," she said

After the criticism, support for the artist, particularly on social networks, did not take long to multiply. Ricardo Mollo, Martín Lousteau, Pablo Moyano, Daniel Grinbank and Guillermo Moreno were some of those who came out to support Lali.

Journalist Jorge Rial started a campaign on X: “Let's put @lalioficial in our avatar. May she feel that today we are all of us. We must stop this presidential harassment. It is serious,” he wrote.


Another of those who came out in defense of the singer on social networks was the music producer Daniel Grinbank , who made a particular reading of what is happening: he assured that the dispute will provoke ' million-dollar proposals' to make a documentary about the “incessant persecution of her,” and said that what the President is doing is “ a real drama .”


From the musical field, Ricardo Mollo, the iconic leader of Divididos, used social networks to defend his colleague and, also, the culture. “The only 'power' that artists have is 'being able' to bring joy to those who enjoy that art... Let's not deviate from what is important. We are not the socioeconomic problem of this, our country ,” the musician published on his Instagram stories, in a message accompanied by a photo of Lali Espósito singing during one of the national team's matches in which the World Cup title was celebrated. of Qatar 2022.


Another member of Divididos, drummer Catriel Ciavarella , published an extensive message on his Instagram account in defense of the pop singer. “On Saturday I wanted to play in Cosquín with a Lali t-shirt. There were already plenty of reasons to do so. And today, sadly, there are more who rush this post; The degree of the president's misery is unprecedented - or too dark - and becomes unbearable. This time it was in an interview with three puppets who acted as interlocutors and who, like the good and mediocre shits that they are, not only did they not have the slightest dignity to stop the car in the face of the lack of respect, the garbage and the infamy, but they also "They added to the 'humor' of the clown," said the musician.


The Actrices Argentinas collective , meanwhile, published a strong message on its X account: “We support our colleague @lalioficial in the face of harassment by the President . Institutional violence towards cultural representatives and social references seeks to silence the voices that rise against misogyny, hunger and adjustment. They are not going to silence us! #Lali”.

From unionism, the one who came out to support Lali was Pablo Moyan or: “ Do they have to go to work for free? They are artists and they have to get paid ,” he said today in statements to Radio El Destape when asked about the controversy. Even the leader of the Truckers union assured that “a president who is on Twitter all day is not serious.”

Surprising was the defense of the artist made by Congresswoman Carolina Píparo , who was the candidate for governor of the province of Buenos Aires for La Libertad Avanza, although she seems to have distanced herself from the Government after her vote against a couple of paragraphs during the debate. in particular the Omnibus Law.

Personalizing and attacking an artist for decisions made by other politicians is wrong . ” Personalizing and attacking an artist from the power of the State is asymmetrical. It’s not there,” Píparo wrote on his X account.


Other sectors of politics also came out to support Lali. From Peronism, Guillermo Moreno published on his X account his “solidarity to @lalioficial for the aggressiveness and lies of the President.”


For his part, the Peronist deputy Pablo Yedlin supported the artist with a video from the '90s in which the remembered Mercedes Sosa speaks, who spoke of “dictatorship in democracy”: If the singer is silent, life is silent Because Life, life itself, is a song If the singer is silent, he dies of fear Hope, light and joy An unforgettable Tucuman sang, an example of resistance. “I repudiate @JMilei's attacks on #Lali and popular artists,” wrote the Tucumán leader.

Martín Lousteau, president of the UCR, also referred to the controversy during an interview on Radio Miter and linked it directly to the subsidies that some companies receive.

"On the issue of subsidies, I see that the President hits Lali Espósito, but he does not hit the (tax) regime of Tierra del Fuego that receives subsidies all the time and he has relatives of the beneficiaries there who have received from all the governments . He does not hit large companies that receive enormous subsidies from the Knowledge Economy Law that no longer corresponds to him as Mercado Libre . He hits an artist with the President's voice . It seems to me that perhaps it does not take on the dimension of what the institutional place is to punish people who are not even fulfilling a political role,” said the senator during an interview with Radio Miter .

Another of those who supported Lali was the economist Carlos Maslatón , who was an ally of Javier Milei but who supported Sergio Massa in the general elections and is very critical of the libertarian government.

“I convey my total support to Lali Espósito in the face of this defamation for no reason by the Milei government , envious, impotent, which does not tolerate an independent artist who expresses herself freely. Milei acts as a statist and totalitarian. Milei is illiberal,” he wrote in X in a post accompanied by a photo in which he is seen with the artist.


Another of those who referred to Milei's statements was Alberto Samid: “The president referred to @lalioficial as “Lali Depósito” I find it in bad taste and very disrespectful. Lali Espòsito, the people are with you,” he published.

Journalists and influencers also gave their support to the singer. #Enoughatacaralali and making people believe that because of the artists the kids of Chaco don't eat," wrote Laura Ubfal in

“The President of the Nation attacks and stigmatizes Lali again, one of the highest-grossing and beloved popular artists in Argentina. She is an example of meritocracy and effort. “He is a very lucky psychopath,” was the harsh message from Sergio Chouza, economist and influencer.







Support for the President​

There was also support for Javier Milei's position regarding the singer. In addition to several anonymous X users, many of whose messages the president reposted or liked, some members of La Libertad Avanza publicly expressed their support.

“Poverty in La Rioja exceeds 45%, but Governor Quintela has the money to pay USD350,000 (THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND) to Lali Depósito for a show. While people are hungry, they squander money as they want ,” wrote Buenos Aires legislator Ramiro Marra in X.

“You are not against culture when you ask to live it in a climate of freedom of cultural choice. "You are against culture when the state takes over it to decree what culture is and impose a cultural election from a committee of bureaucrats with funds from the people ," wrote deputy Alberto Benegas Lynch.