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Politics At what time does Milei speak today in Congress and how to watch his speech live - Infobae


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At what time does Milei speak today in Congress and how to watch his speech live - Infobae​



March 01, 2024

The President will open the ordinary session period for the first time before the legislators in the Legislative Assembly. How to follow his speech, minute by minute

avier Milei will speak at 9 pm this March 1 in Congress (Abir Sultan)
President Javier Milei will open this Friday, for the first time since he assumed his mandate, the period of ordinary sessions of Congress . The ceremony, during which the president will address deputies, senators, among other officials, will present certain differences to those already carried out by other former heads of state.

First of all, Javier Milei will speak during the night before the legislators and not during the day, as usually happens at this event. Secondly, he will do so from a lectern and not from the presidency of the body, as is customary in this ceremony scheduled for March 1.

The Government reported that it will do so at 9 p.m. this Friday, March 1 , within the framework of the inauguration of the 142nd period of ordinary sessions. The information was disseminated through decree 197/2024, published in the Official Gazette, which indicates: “21:00 hours on March 1st are indicated for the opening of the ordinary sessions.”

During his speech, the President will address his speech to the legislators from a lectern that will be placed in front of the body of the presidency. In addition to the legislators, there are governors who confirmed their presence at the ceremony , such as Carlos Sadi (Jujuy), Martín Llaryora (Córdoba), Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe), Rogelio Frigerio (Entre Ríos), Axel Kicillof (Buenos Aires), Jorge Macri (City of Buenos Aires) and Ignacio Torres (Chubut), among others.

Javier Milei assumed the presidency on December 10 and gave a speech on the steps of Congress (Juan Ignacio Roncoroni)

Why will Javier Milei speak at 9 pm?​

The presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni , explained in a press conference last Tuesday the reason why Javier Milei's speech was defined to be at 9 at night, and not during the day.

The goal is for the greatest number of Argentines to be able to listen to the President after their work hours and in an unprecedented event in Argentine history,” said Adorni. And he added: “Of course, a lot of other people work at that time, but we understand that it is the best time so that the greatest number of people can be calm listening to the message .”

How to watch Javier Milei's speech live​

Javier Milei's speech in Congress will be broadcast on the national network , so that both the president's arrival at the venue and the entire speech and his subsequent movements can be followed on all air channels.

Javier Milei's speech in front of the legislators can be seen live on the Infobae streaming , where, in addition, you will be able to follow, throughout the day, the preview and the latest news about the Legislative Assembly and the opening of ordinary sessions , minute by minute.

On the other hand, the ceremony can also be followed live on the YouTube channel of the Chamber of Deputies and the Casa Rosada.

What is the opening of ordinary sessions of Congress?​

The opening of the ordinary sessions of Congress is the annual inauguration of the parliamentary activity of the deputies and senators . During the event, the President of the Nation makes a speech where he reviews the measures carried out during his administration and the management plans for the next period.

This task is established in article 99 of the National Constitution , which refers to the powers of the President of the Nation. In its paragraph 8 it establishes that the President “annually opens the sessions of Congress , with both Chambers meeting for this purpose, giving an account on this occasion of the state of the Nation, of the reforms promised by the Constitution, and recommending for their consideration the measures that it deems necessary and convenient.”

The ordinary sessions , meanwhile, extend from the first day of March to the last day of November. This is established in article 63 of the National Constitution : “Both Chambers will meet by themselves in ordinary sessions every year from March 1st to November 30th. They may also be extraordinarily convened by the President of the Nation or their sessions may be extended.”

Furthermore, article 65 states that the parliamentary activity of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate “begin and conclude their sessions simultaneously .” None of them, while they are together, may suspend their sessions for more than 3 days, without the consent of the other."

However, there are also other types of sessions during which legislators can be active. These are extraordinary sessions, which are held outside the ordinary period and are convened by the Executive Branch. For example, in December, January and February. This was the case of the sessions held to discuss the Omnibus Law .

The President's speech will be at night at an atypical time for the opening ceremonies of ordinary sessions of Congress (Senate Communication)

What is the Legislative Assembly?​

The Legislative Assembly is the body in which the Chamber of Deputies and the Chamber of Senators of the Nation meet . This is an exceptional instance, since both chambers legislate separately and successively, not simultaneously. The opening ceremony of the ordinary sessions of Congress, such as the one that will take place on March 1, is one of the exceptions provided by law for the development of the Legislative Assembly.

Another case in which it is developed is, for example, to “admit or reject the reasons for the resignation of the president or vice president of the Republic; and declare the case of proceeding to a new election”, established by section 21 of article 75 of the National Constitution.